StoneBridge Community Church

Around Every Corner: Lessons From Jesus and Children
Interim Senior Pastor Neal Nybo
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:30 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Online Connection Card
Thanks for joining us today! Follow this link to our online Connection Card where you can let us know you were here and share any prayer concerns. to Series: Around Every Corner
Ministry just around the corner can be as effective as ministry around the world. This sermon series explores how our most effective ministry may be right in our own backyard. We know this because we see it all the time in our own people. People from StoneBridge volunteer at places like the Samaritan Center, Sarah's House, and even the Annual Charity Car Show.
We can make a difference within blocks of our homes and offices. We can have a longer, more personal impact where we live.
We can make a difference within blocks of our homes and offices. We can have a longer, more personal impact where we live.
This video went viral a year ago. To learn how it impacted this man and his family google BBC dad. Christianity invented children
One of Christianity's greatest achievements is the invention of children as treasured human beings. Today, it is simply taken for granted that the innocence and vulnerability of children makes them people of particular value, and entitled to particular care. Text In Context
An insightful commentary on today's scripture, Mark 10:13-16, is found within the longer commentary attached. See Point Four, (4.), within. We’ve gotten it amazingly right.
Ministries to every age group continue to thrive. Groups like Young Life reach high school kids. Henrietta Mears from First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood founded Gospel Light Publications and Gospel Literature International both of which continue to produce materials for ministry to children around the world.
Personal Reflection/Growth Group Questions:
1. Pastor Neal asked the question, Who are we bringing to Jesus?
2. Is there someone you know who would benefit from having Jesus touch them?
3. How might you help facilitate that?
4. What holds you back?
1. Pastor Neal asked the question, Who are we bringing to Jesus?
2. Is there someone you know who would benefit from having Jesus touch them?
3. How might you help facilitate that?
4. What holds you back?
2. We can get it frighteningly wrong.
Unfortunately, sometimes Christians have pushed children away and gotten between them and Jesus.
Personal Reflection/Growth Group Questions:
1. Who are we shooing away from Jesus unnecessarily?
2. What are some opinions, beliefs, or attitudes Christians hold that turn others off?
3. Is it possible to bring people to Jesus without raising those issues?
1. Who are we shooing away from Jesus unnecessarily?
2. What are some opinions, beliefs, or attitudes Christians hold that turn others off?
3. Is it possible to bring people to Jesus without raising those issues?
3. The kingdom belongs to children and those like them.
It’s not our training or study or even our service that get us in. Today's scripture says it is the simplicity of a child. "The simplicity of a child" encompasses a lot of characteristics but one in particular, stands out - humility.
Personal Reflection/Growth Group Questions:
1. What are some examples of Christians not being humble?
2. What are some ways we can practice humility?
3. Pastor Neal found humility in Petra, Jordon. Have you been humbled by any man-made or natural wonders?
1. What are some examples of Christians not being humble?
2. What are some ways we can practice humility?
3. Pastor Neal found humility in Petra, Jordon. Have you been humbled by any man-made or natural wonders?
Next Steps
This week, ask ourselves...
1. Who are we bringing to Jesus?
2. Who are we shooing away from Jesus unnecessarily?
1. Who are we bringing to Jesus?
2. Who are we shooing away from Jesus unnecessarily?

StoneBridge Christian Recovery is designed to help you on the road to recovery of any hurts, habits, or hang-ups that are keeping you from a joyful and productive life. If you feel like you resonate with this, then please join us on Wednesday nights.
Weekend Worship Playlist
Enjoy this Spotify playlist with the songs played in worship this weekend! Media @ StoneBridge
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