Church Requel

Cost Counting - Part 2
Last Sunday we began a discussion about the costs of following Jesus. We know our salvation is offered freely to us by God’s grace. There is nothing we can do to earn it or deserve it. Yet Jesus also tells us that there will be costs to us if we follow Him. Today we consider 3 more costs to follow Jesus found in Luke 9:57-62.
Locations & Times
Church Requel
2 Marion Ave, Mansfield, OH 44903, USA
Sunday 11:00 AM
Church Picnic TODAY!
After church we will all head to the air-conditioned pavilion right next to the northern end of the B&O Bike Trail. Church Requel is providing hot dogs & hamburgers, buns, condiments, drinks, plates, cups, napkins and silverware. Come expecting fun and games! Come to be included in our annual church photo! Let’s enjoy a great afternoon!
Free Gift For Our Guests
If you are visiting with us today, WELCOME! We’re glad you’re here. If you will stop by the piano on the north side of our sanctuary after this morning’s worship, and drop off your connection card, we have a FREE Christian book to share with you. We promise no one will show up at your door. But we will include you in our weekly Friday email newsletter and tell you about the good things happening at Church Requel. Thanks for being our guest!
Food Pantry
A big Thank You goes to Sheri for setting up our food pantry! We continue to need non-perishable foods. When you come to church Sunday mornings bring some food to share with others, who may be sitting in the pew next to you. The Food Pantry is downstairs and will be open for 15 minutes after each Sunday service. You are welcome to receive food if you have a need. We are looking for volunteers to work in the food pantry 15 minutes each Sunday. Please see Sheri if you are able to help.
Next Week's Servants - July 24th
Prep / Cleanup: Mary Kay,Dave & Jen Repp
Tech Team: Chris Thoman & Tamara Engstrom 1
Greeting Team: Aimee Medina & Tamara Engstrom
KidsMin: Karen & Ken Jacob
Middle School: Cindy & Steve Thoman
Nursery/Preschool: Jen Carrick & Loni Nauman
Snacks: Cindy ThomanCounting Team: Trish Trubachik & Shelli Jackson
Prep / Cleanup: Mary Kay,Dave & Jen Repp
Tech Team: Chris Thoman & Tamara Engstrom 1
Greeting Team: Aimee Medina & Tamara Engstrom
KidsMin: Karen & Ken Jacob
Middle School: Cindy & Steve Thoman
Nursery/Preschool: Jen Carrick & Loni Nauman
Snacks: Cindy ThomanCounting Team: Trish Trubachik & Shelli Jackson
5th Sunday Praise Team
We love it when we have a 5th Sunday of the month. It gives our worship teams the opportunity to do something new and exciting. This month on the fifth Sunday - July 31st - will be the chance for anyone and everyone to be part of the worship leadership up front! Do you love to sing, but just haven’t had the time to be a regular team member? Do you have a desire to share whatever gift you have - singing, speaking, reading, acting - as a worship participant? Please talk to Brandi Walker. She would love to include you in our praise plans for Sunday, July 31st.
Indians Game - Sept. 18th!
Wouldn’t you love to go to an Indians game with all of your Church Requel friends? The Indians are hot right now, but we’ve secured 36 tickets for the September 18th game against the Detroit Tigers. Game time is 7:10pm. And it’s Dollar Dog Night! Yum! Tickets cost $15 each. Get your money and your reservation to any staff member. We must have all the money paid in by August 7th. Go Tribe!
6 Months Finances
Below you can see our financial picture for our first six months of this year at Church Requel. Our offerings are down by 12% this year compared with last year. We have cut our expenses 10% but not by enough to keep ourselves from a deficit. Please continue to be faithful in your financial support of your church. Thank you!
Jan - June 2015 Offerings $33,210
Jan - June 2015 Expenses $32,864
Jan - June 2015 Difference $346
Jan - June 2016 Offerings $29,175
Jan - June 2016 Expenses $29,630
Jan - June 2016 Difference $-455
Jan - June 2015 Offerings $33,210
Jan - June 2015 Expenses $32,864
Jan - June 2015 Difference $346
Jan - June 2016 Offerings $29,175
Jan - June 2016 Expenses $29,630
Jan - June 2016 Difference $-455
Donate To Church Requel
Use the link below to make a one time donation to Church Requel using your debit or credit card. We want to make sure you know that we provide this as a convenience for those who use the debit or credit card responsibly in their financial lives. It is not our intent for you to go into or add to credit card debt to give to CR. We appreciate your ongoing financial support of our ministry! Luke Sermon Series
Would you like to watch all the other sermons by Pastor Mark from the Gospel of Luke? Now you can! They can all be reached with this single link. Counting - Part 2 / Luke 9:57-62 NIV
KEY TO REMEMBER - When it comes to basics of following Jesus - choosing His will and His choices over our own - we need to be reminded BOTH when times are good and we are victorious AND when times are tough and we are frustrated and defeated. It’s not just the down times that can cause us to fall away, but also the good times. In ALL times we must remember that there are costs to following Jesus!
(1) Daily Denial - take up cross daily;
(2) Life Losing - want to save your life then you must lose your life to Jesus;
(3) Life Logic - not a win if we gain entire world but lose Jesus;
(4) Shame sharing - We don’t want Jesus to be ashamed of us at the judgment so we better not be ashamed of Him now.
3 MORE Costs To Following Jesus.
#1 - Takes us to _______ places with _______ expectations.
“As they were walking along the road, a man said to [Jesus], ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’ Jesus replied, ‘Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.’” Luke 9:57-58
This is a warning about easy commitment. A warning against instant enthusiasm. Jesus says (multiple times and in multiple ways), COUNT THE COST of following me. The life of a disciple isn’t easy. It can be a hard life and you should know that going in.
“Foxes have dens and birds have nests…” Jesus tells us that the creatures of this world have a home here - even foxes and birds. But not Jesus (Son of Man). He is an outsider. He is not “at home” here. Indeed in this corrupt, evil world Jesus is homeless.
So then if the One you claim you are willing to follow anywhere and everywhere, remember that He is not at home here. And if the One you follow is not at home here, what makes you think that you will be at home here?
#2 - Proclaiming the kingdom of God takes priority over _______
“[Jesus] said to another man, ‘Follow me.’ But he replied, ‘Lord, first let me go and bury my father.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.’” Luke 9:59-60
Is Jesus being deliberately insensitive to a family member who has just lost a loved one? Absolutely! Jesus put it into graphic terms: “Let the dead bury their own dead.” Insensitive. Hard. Difficult saying. Makes us wrestle with why Jesus would say such a thing.
(a) First, there is nothing greater in the world now or in the world to come than being invited by Jesus to follow Him. This is an offer that goes so far beyond anything we have any right to expect (because of our sin, because of His greatness and deity) that there is always and only ever ONE answer - YES! THANK YOU! Any other answer falls short.
(b) Second, shows us the priority and urgency of proclaiming the kingdom of God in this messed up, sinful, decaying, hopeless world.
#3 - Focus on the ________ takes priority over ______ .
Perhaps you’ve heard the saying that you’re so heavenly minded that you’re no earthly good? Not a Jesus saying! The next exampled person gets the “LORD” part right but still doesn’t understand the priority…
“Still another said, ‘I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.’ Jesus replied, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.’” Luke 9:61-62 NIV
You can’t mow a straight line by looking backwards. How do you do it? By keeping your eyes at the furthest point and moving straight to that point! Jesus tells us that there is a “fitness” for service in the kingdom of God. You want to be fit to serve the King of kings and Lord of lords? Your focus on the next world over this world is the key!
Before we think to ourselves that Jesus expects too much, let’s consider the importance of what we are in this for. The restoration of the world. The reclamation of all that has been lost. The freedom of those bonded into the slavery of their addictions. The redemption of those who have been lost forever. The renewal of relationship with God Almighty. The revival of faith and hope over hopelessness and disease. The stakes are high!
Consider what has been asked for so much less…
Reggie Lee (actor) - “You want something? Go get it with single minded devotion.”
Bill Parcels - “If you’ve ever won a championship, then that’s all you’re interested in doing.”
Vince Lombardi - “Winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing.”
Chuck Mangioni - “Give It All You Got” Instrumental song for the 1980 Winter Olympics. Official theme song.
President Kennedy - “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” - The 8 things successful people sacrifice for their success: (1) time; (2) stability; (3) personal life; (4) sleep; (5) health; (6) quiet times; (7) sanity; (8) immediate desires.
Two Great Tragedies of Life:
(A) That I never focus my life on anything beyond me for today. No sense of greater goal than myself. No willingness to give up today for better tomorrow. Many (if not most) people are in this category.
(B) That I sacrifice myself for a goal that is not worthy of who God has created me to become. Am I worthy “for service in the kingdom of God?” No higher purpose. No higher calling.
My Challenge: Does my life demonstrate the__________ ?
To get BOTH right: (1) a goal bigger than me today and (2) the right goal - service in the kingdom of God under the Lordship of Jesus Christ! Paul:
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20NIV
Conclusion: Ask myself this question - “Am I satisfied only with the salvation of Jesus?” Do I want only to be forgiven of my sins, receive a clean slate, and then go on and live for myself and for my own purposes? Or do I see God in me as THE Change Agent that changes my plans, my purposes, my goals, my desires? “Am I focused on the Lordship of Jesus?”
KEY TO REMEMBER - When it comes to basics of following Jesus - choosing His will and His choices over our own - we need to be reminded BOTH when times are good and we are victorious AND when times are tough and we are frustrated and defeated. It’s not just the down times that can cause us to fall away, but also the good times. In ALL times we must remember that there are costs to following Jesus!
(1) Daily Denial - take up cross daily;
(2) Life Losing - want to save your life then you must lose your life to Jesus;
(3) Life Logic - not a win if we gain entire world but lose Jesus;
(4) Shame sharing - We don’t want Jesus to be ashamed of us at the judgment so we better not be ashamed of Him now.
3 MORE Costs To Following Jesus.
#1 - Takes us to _______ places with _______ expectations.
“As they were walking along the road, a man said to [Jesus], ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’ Jesus replied, ‘Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.’” Luke 9:57-58
This is a warning about easy commitment. A warning against instant enthusiasm. Jesus says (multiple times and in multiple ways), COUNT THE COST of following me. The life of a disciple isn’t easy. It can be a hard life and you should know that going in.
“Foxes have dens and birds have nests…” Jesus tells us that the creatures of this world have a home here - even foxes and birds. But not Jesus (Son of Man). He is an outsider. He is not “at home” here. Indeed in this corrupt, evil world Jesus is homeless.
So then if the One you claim you are willing to follow anywhere and everywhere, remember that He is not at home here. And if the One you follow is not at home here, what makes you think that you will be at home here?
#2 - Proclaiming the kingdom of God takes priority over _______
“[Jesus] said to another man, ‘Follow me.’ But he replied, ‘Lord, first let me go and bury my father.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.’” Luke 9:59-60
Is Jesus being deliberately insensitive to a family member who has just lost a loved one? Absolutely! Jesus put it into graphic terms: “Let the dead bury their own dead.” Insensitive. Hard. Difficult saying. Makes us wrestle with why Jesus would say such a thing.
(a) First, there is nothing greater in the world now or in the world to come than being invited by Jesus to follow Him. This is an offer that goes so far beyond anything we have any right to expect (because of our sin, because of His greatness and deity) that there is always and only ever ONE answer - YES! THANK YOU! Any other answer falls short.
(b) Second, shows us the priority and urgency of proclaiming the kingdom of God in this messed up, sinful, decaying, hopeless world.
#3 - Focus on the ________ takes priority over ______ .
Perhaps you’ve heard the saying that you’re so heavenly minded that you’re no earthly good? Not a Jesus saying! The next exampled person gets the “LORD” part right but still doesn’t understand the priority…
“Still another said, ‘I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.’ Jesus replied, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.’” Luke 9:61-62 NIV
You can’t mow a straight line by looking backwards. How do you do it? By keeping your eyes at the furthest point and moving straight to that point! Jesus tells us that there is a “fitness” for service in the kingdom of God. You want to be fit to serve the King of kings and Lord of lords? Your focus on the next world over this world is the key!
Before we think to ourselves that Jesus expects too much, let’s consider the importance of what we are in this for. The restoration of the world. The reclamation of all that has been lost. The freedom of those bonded into the slavery of their addictions. The redemption of those who have been lost forever. The renewal of relationship with God Almighty. The revival of faith and hope over hopelessness and disease. The stakes are high!
Consider what has been asked for so much less…
Reggie Lee (actor) - “You want something? Go get it with single minded devotion.”
Bill Parcels - “If you’ve ever won a championship, then that’s all you’re interested in doing.”
Vince Lombardi - “Winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing.”
Chuck Mangioni - “Give It All You Got” Instrumental song for the 1980 Winter Olympics. Official theme song.
President Kennedy - “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” - The 8 things successful people sacrifice for their success: (1) time; (2) stability; (3) personal life; (4) sleep; (5) health; (6) quiet times; (7) sanity; (8) immediate desires.
Two Great Tragedies of Life:
(A) That I never focus my life on anything beyond me for today. No sense of greater goal than myself. No willingness to give up today for better tomorrow. Many (if not most) people are in this category.
(B) That I sacrifice myself for a goal that is not worthy of who God has created me to become. Am I worthy “for service in the kingdom of God?” No higher purpose. No higher calling.
My Challenge: Does my life demonstrate the__________ ?
To get BOTH right: (1) a goal bigger than me today and (2) the right goal - service in the kingdom of God under the Lordship of Jesus Christ! Paul:
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20NIV
Conclusion: Ask myself this question - “Am I satisfied only with the salvation of Jesus?” Do I want only to be forgiven of my sins, receive a clean slate, and then go on and live for myself and for my own purposes? Or do I see God in me as THE Change Agent that changes my plans, my purposes, my goals, my desires? “Am I focused on the Lordship of Jesus?”
Church Requel's Website
Here is your online link to everything Church Requel on the Internet. Here you will find all of our sermons, in video and audio. Each week our pastor writes in his online blog and publishes an audio podcast. You'll find all of our pictures, our Facebook page and our Twitter feed. You can even connect with other Church Requel folks in our online community!