Sunday June 23, 2019 - Part 4
Locations & Times
The Roads Church - NC
583 US-45, Norris City, IL 62869, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Two things The Holy Spirit will do for you:
1) Teach you all things
2) Bring to your remembrance all things (Remind, Recall, Refresh)
1) Teach you all things
2) Bring to your remembrance all things (Remind, Recall, Refresh)
Teach - Input and Development
didasko - To provide instruction; impartation of skills and practical knowledge with the highest possible development of the pupil as the goal; Perform or demonstrate
didasko - To provide instruction; impartation of skills and practical knowledge with the highest possible development of the pupil as the goal; Perform or demonstrate
Elements of Circumstance
Who?, What?, When?, Where?, and Why?
Who?, What?, When?, Where?, and Why?
Elements of Circumstance
1) WHO - "He" will teach "you"
Too many times we have limited our goals to something to accomplish instead of a person to become.
1) WHO - "He" will teach "you"
Too many times we have limited our goals to something to accomplish instead of a person to become.
Elements of Circumstance
1) WHO - "He" will teach "you"
2) WHAT - He will teach you "ALL" things
1) WHO - "He" will teach "you"
2) WHAT - He will teach you "ALL" things
Profitable - ophelimos - Useful, beneficial, advantageous
Complete - artios - Qualified, capable, competent, ready
Thoroughly equipped - exartizo - To furnish with everything needed to complete a task.
Complete - artios - Qualified, capable, competent, ready
Thoroughly equipped - exartizo - To furnish with everything needed to complete a task.
"ALL things”:
1) Spirituality/Faith
2) Relationships - Romantic, Friendships, Family, Customers, Co-workers, vendors, etc.
3) Parenting
4) Finances
5) Health - Eating, exercising
6) Career
7) Recreation; Hobbies
8) Purpose/Meaning
9) Feelings/Emotions
1) Spirituality/Faith
2) Relationships - Romantic, Friendships, Family, Customers, Co-workers, vendors, etc.
3) Parenting
4) Finances
5) Health - Eating, exercising
6) Career
7) Recreation; Hobbies
8) Purpose/Meaning
9) Feelings/Emotions
Elements of Circumstance
1) WHO - "He" will teach "you"
2) WHAT - He will teach you "ALL" things
3) WHEN - He is ready, are we?
1) WHO - "He" will teach "you"
2) WHAT - He will teach you "ALL" things
3) WHEN - He is ready, are we?
Elements of Circumstance
1) WHO? - "He" will teach "you"
2) WHAT? - He will teach you "ALL" things
3) WHEN? - He is ready, are we?
4) WHERE? - Where does He teach me?
1) WHO? - "He" will teach "you"
2) WHAT? - He will teach you "ALL" things
3) WHEN? - He is ready, are we?
4) WHERE? - Where does He teach me?
We are going to learn and develop when we are plugged into the local church.
Gatherings to attend - Services
Gatherings to serve - Dream Team
Gatherings to belong - Connect Groups
Gatherings to attend - Services
Gatherings to serve - Dream Team
Gatherings to belong - Connect Groups
Elements of Circumstance
1) WHO? - "He" will teach "you"
2) WHAT? - He will teach you "ALL" things
3) WHEN? - He is ready, are we?
4) WHERE? - Where does He teach me?
5) WHY? - It's bigger than us!
1) WHO? - "He" will teach "you"
2) WHAT? - He will teach you "ALL" things
3) WHEN? - He is ready, are we?
4) WHERE? - Where does He teach me?
5) WHY? - It's bigger than us!
Bring to your remembrance — hypomimnesko - To remind, recall, refresh or think about again
Bring to your remembrance — hypomimnesko - To remind, recall, refresh or think about again
Have I asked Jesus to baptize me in the Holy Spirit?
Am I allowing Holy Spirit to teach me?
What areas of my life do I need Holy Spirit to teach me more in?
Am I too focused on myself and not enough on others?
What do I need to be reminded about that I used to know?
Have I asked Jesus to baptize me in the Holy Spirit?
Am I allowing Holy Spirit to teach me?
What areas of my life do I need Holy Spirit to teach me more in?
Am I too focused on myself and not enough on others?
What do I need to be reminded about that I used to know?