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GateWay Church

Generous Living

Generous Living

Luke 12:13-21 Pastor Ed Kemp

Locations & Times

GateWay Church

1100 S Sowell St, Visalia, CA 93277, USA

Thursday 6:45 PM

Sunday 8:45 AM

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

The 3 points Jesus is teaching:
#1. Don’t let money DRIVE you! Vs. 13-15
#2. Don’t let money DECEIVE you! Vs. 16-19
#3. Don’t let money DESTROY you! Vs. 20-21
So What?!
#1. My investment is actually RELATIONSHIP.
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where
moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and
steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…
Matthew 6:19-20
“…make yourselves purses which do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven…” Luke 12:33
2. My work is actually HONORING GOD.

Go to the ant, O sluggard,
Observe her ways and be wise! Proverbs 6:6
#3. My need is ACCOUNTABILITY.
#4. My gift is about proportion not AMOUNT.

On the first day of every week let each one of you put aside and save, as he may prosper… I Corinthians 16:2
Generous Living!
Luke 12:13-21

Prayer Requests:

Group Discussion: Who was the most generous in your family growing up? What were they generous with; money, time, work, sacrifice?

Read aloud: Luke 12:1-34
In Vss. 1-12, Jesus says we are to have a very healthy respect for God because He knows and values everything about us. What examples does Jesus use to explain the tension between us valuing God and God valuing us?

In Vss. 22-34, Jesus is discussing hyper anxiety about material goods, how do we gain more trust in God’s provisions for us? If you were to make a list, what would you say God has guaranteed us, and what do we want Him to guarantee?

Vss. 13-21 is an interruption by someone in the crowd, yet Luke uses it to have Jesus teach us how a single-minded mono commitment to material goods is very short sighted. How and why?

Jesus never negates the Old Testament commands to be like the ant. How do you behave like the ant and yet not be greedy? Who is the best example of sacrificial giving you’ve ever known? Should we keep all giving secret and if so how do we model/disciple others in sacrificially giving?

Can you think of one area in your life you’d like to modify so that you save more like the ant? What’s one area you’d like to modify and give more? Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than receive.” Is it? How? If we’re to give our time, talent and treasure, which one of those could you improve on the most?

Vs. 21 is the key to the passage, “So is the man who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” Jesus isn’t condemning responsibility, but He’s adding a deep spiritual dimension. What could your small group do to obey Jesus? Garage sale, clean the yard of a struggling senior, pick a ministry to serve at together at church? How could you be richer toward God, part of which means service towards others.

Family Time: Read vs. 21 and ask your kids, “how can our family be rich toward God?” Do something they come up with together!

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