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Central Christian Church

Heart Week 2

Heart Week 2

When Giants Fall

Locations & Times

Central Christian Church

3010 NE 14th St, Ocala, FL 34470, USA

Sunday 7:00 AM

‘When Giants Fall!’ 1 Samuel 17
Against all odds! We’re fascinated with the underdog; with Cinderella stories! Why?
“It always seems impossible until it’s done!”
– Nelson Mandela
When Giants Fall! Who is or what is ours? All seems hopeless.
How do we approach seemingly insurmountable life difficulties with bold belief and fearless faith?
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Daniel 3:16-18 NIV
David. 1 Samuel 17:45a,46a;c NIV
“Don’t just tell God how big our problem is; be sure to tell our problem how big our God is!” – Unknown
How did David approach this seemingly insurmountable difficulty with bold belief and fearless faith?
What life and faith lessons can we learn and apply?
David’s heart was fully committed to God. Is ours?
That’s why God chose and empowered David. He does the same for us.
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
David’s fully committed heart, led to actions that revealed bold belief and fearless faith.
God’s reputation mattered to David. Does it us? David defended it. Are we?
God’s preparation previously delivered and prepared David. God does the same for us.
Do we trust God to deliver us again?
“In the present, I can be confident of the future, because of what God has done in my past.”
God’s power strengthened, protected and shielded David. It does us. David trusted it. Do we?
Saul, ‘Head taller than everyone else.’
David, ‘Youngest of eight sons; runt of the litter.’
Saul, “You can’t!”
David, “God can!”
Saul and Israelite Army, ‘dismayed, terrified, ran from difficulty in fear.’ David, ‘With God, boldly ran to.’
In life and faith, who do we resemble? Saul, Israelite Army OR David?
Saul’s Armor OR God’s Armor?
Do we trust in our own strength OR God’s? Which is it?
A Sling and 5 Stones. Guess what? Goliath had relatives. Total of 5. Significance?
Esther: “If I perish, I perish.”
Three Dudes: “But even if…”
Jesus: “But with God…”
God’s authority guided David. It does us. David depended on it. Do we?
“You come WITH; but I come IN…”
How do we approach seemingly insurmountable life difficulties with bold belief and fearless faith?
Our heart; fully God’s. Is it? Then for God’s reputation; with His preparation, power and authority = Victory!
When Giants Fall! Who is or what is ours?
What life giant needs to fall? Life’s sea needs crossed? Life’s mountain needs moved?
Boldly Declare: “I come IN the name of the LORD Almighty! The battle IS the LORD’s! He WILL deliver!”
Questions to reflect on in your personal quiet time, with the family and/or in your Life Group.

1. Share your understanding of what the message was about.

2. Let’s share what God said to us through the message.

3. Read 1 Samuel 16:7. ‘Look at’ is used 4 times. What’s significant about this phrase to God? Why? Application?

4. God chooses us. Will we choose Him? Read 1 Peter 2:9; John 15:16; Joshua 24:15 & Deuteronomy 30:19.

5. We are chosen by God. Are we living like it? Read Colossians 3:12-17.

6. Is our heart fully committed to God? Are we desiring and chasing after His heart? Read Acts 13:22; Psalm 139:23-24.

Jump Start

Jump Start is an annual outreach event in which we supply school supplies to kids in our community by inviting them and their family to enjoy a fun day with bounce houses, pony rides, a free lunch, community resources and so much more! This year we plan to fill another 600 packs and provide a great experience for the kids and their families on Saturday, Aug 3. To make Jump Start a reality, we’re going to need donations toward the school supplies, and that’s where you come in! Each pack of supplies cost $10; that’s a total of $6,000 to meet our goal! To make a donation for school supplies, visit, text the dollar amount you want to give along with the word “jumpstart” to 84321 or use the specially marked envelope provided in the chair in front of you. Let’s help kids and their families get a Jump Start this school year!

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