Creekside Community Church

Final Preparations (Exodus 4:18-31)
Creekside Community Church Exodus: The Rhythm of Redemption June 9th, 2019 Jeff Bruce, Lead Pastor
Locations & Times
Creekside Community Church
951 MacArthur Blvd, San Leandro, CA 94577, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
1.Preparation 1 – God convinces us of his faithfulness (4:18-23)
2.Preparation 2 – God convicts us of our faithlessness (4:24-26)
3.Preparation 3 – God connects us with fellow workers (4:27-31)
For further thought and discussion:
Getting Started
1.What was helpful to you in this week’s sermon? What didn’t you understand?
2.What have you been preparing for recently? How long have the preparations taken? Why have the preparations been necessary? Share your experience with the group.
Going Deeper
3.Read Exodus 4:19-23. How does God prepare Moses to lead the Exodus? How has God already proven his ability to deliver Moses from death and slavery (2:1-10; 2:11-15)? What parallels do we see here between the ministry of Moses and the ministry of Jesus (see Matthew 3:13-17)?
4.Read Exodus 4:24-26. How does this odd story connect to what precedes (see 4:22-23)? Why is Moses’ failure to circumcise Gershom such a serious offense? Why is it significant that a woman (Zipporah) delivers Moses from impending death? How does she deliver him? How does this event serve as a preview of coming attractions (see Exodus 12:21-23). How does this event prepare Moses to lead Israel (see Exodus 12:43-49)? What parallels do we see here between the ministry of Moses and the ministry of Jesus (see Matthew 4:1-11)? How does Jesus succeed where Moses fails?
5.Read Exodus 4:27-31. Why is it significant that God teams Moses up with his brother Aaron (see chapter 4:11-16). What parallels do we see here between the life of Moses and the life of Jesus (see Matthew 4:17-25).
6.Which of God’s assurances to Moses (vv. 19-23) is most comforting to you? Why? Why must we be convinced of God’s faithfulness before we can serve him? Why must we be convicted of our own faithlessness before we can serve him? Why must we connect with fellow workers before we can effectively serve him? Which of these points was most relevant to you? Why?
7.What’s one thing you can do this week to apply this passage
Getting Started
1.What was helpful to you in this week’s sermon? What didn’t you understand?
2.What have you been preparing for recently? How long have the preparations taken? Why have the preparations been necessary? Share your experience with the group.
Going Deeper
3.Read Exodus 4:19-23. How does God prepare Moses to lead the Exodus? How has God already proven his ability to deliver Moses from death and slavery (2:1-10; 2:11-15)? What parallels do we see here between the ministry of Moses and the ministry of Jesus (see Matthew 3:13-17)?
4.Read Exodus 4:24-26. How does this odd story connect to what precedes (see 4:22-23)? Why is Moses’ failure to circumcise Gershom such a serious offense? Why is it significant that a woman (Zipporah) delivers Moses from impending death? How does she deliver him? How does this event serve as a preview of coming attractions (see Exodus 12:21-23). How does this event prepare Moses to lead Israel (see Exodus 12:43-49)? What parallels do we see here between the ministry of Moses and the ministry of Jesus (see Matthew 4:1-11)? How does Jesus succeed where Moses fails?
5.Read Exodus 4:27-31. Why is it significant that God teams Moses up with his brother Aaron (see chapter 4:11-16). What parallels do we see here between the life of Moses and the life of Jesus (see Matthew 4:17-25).
6.Which of God’s assurances to Moses (vv. 19-23) is most comforting to you? Why? Why must we be convinced of God’s faithfulness before we can serve him? Why must we be convicted of our own faithlessness before we can serve him? Why must we connect with fellow workers before we can effectively serve him? Which of these points was most relevant to you? Why?
7.What’s one thing you can do this week to apply this passage