Fellowship Bible Church - Mullica, Hill N.J.

A Godly Response to the Gospel (1 Thessalonians 2:13-20)
Our Vision: Together, strengthening you to change your world for Christ.
Locations & Times
Fellowship Bible Church
590 Jackson Rd, Sewell, NJ 08080, USA
Sunday 9:15 AM


Paul established a pattern of thankful prayer (2.13; 1.2; 3.10; 5.17, 25; 2 Thess 1.3, 11)
Paul recognized that the work he, Timothy, and Silvanus were doing in Thessalonica was the Lord’s work and required the Lord’s power.
For us: What level of emphasis do we give to prayer? What do we believe about the power of prayer?
Paul recognized that the work he, Timothy, and Silvanus were doing in Thessalonica was the Lord’s work and required the Lord’s power.
For us: What level of emphasis do we give to prayer? What do we believe about the power of prayer?
Paul delighted in growth, not in accolades (2.17-20)
Paul seeks to emphasize his deep care for the Thessalonians.
Some may have doubted, so Paul seeks to reassure them that the current separation was not his choice, but the work of Satan (2.17-18).
Proved by their practice of working hard for the privilege of sharing the gospel (2.9) and their desire to boast of their disciples (2.19-20)
For us: Are we willing to do hard work? Are we willing to do hard work in obscurity? Are we willing to do hard work solely for the benefit of others?
Paul seeks to emphasize his deep care for the Thessalonians.
Some may have doubted, so Paul seeks to reassure them that the current separation was not his choice, but the work of Satan (2.17-18).
Proved by their practice of working hard for the privilege of sharing the gospel (2.9) and their desire to boast of their disciples (2.19-20)
For us: Are we willing to do hard work? Are we willing to do hard work in obscurity? Are we willing to do hard work solely for the benefit of others?
Paul trusted the word of God over the word of men (2.13)
Paul clearly claims an absolute divine authority for his words as an apostle, and contrasts his words with ordinary human words. His apostolic teaching really is the “word of God,” and should be received as from God himself.
Apostolic tradition (c.f 2 Thess 2.14-15). This is the gospel of Jesus Christ -- nothing added, no emphasis on ecclesiology, personal preferences, etc. Later in church history, the “apostolic tradition” becomes conflated with man-made teachings, much like the Law of Moses became inundated with the Pharisee’s additional laws and ordinances.
For us: Do we trust the word of men over the Word of God (i.e. theologians)? Do we trust our culture over the Word of God (i.e. our heart as the grid for decision-making; choosing gender; marrying whoever I want)?
Paul clearly claims an absolute divine authority for his words as an apostle, and contrasts his words with ordinary human words. His apostolic teaching really is the “word of God,” and should be received as from God himself.
Apostolic tradition (c.f 2 Thess 2.14-15). This is the gospel of Jesus Christ -- nothing added, no emphasis on ecclesiology, personal preferences, etc. Later in church history, the “apostolic tradition” becomes conflated with man-made teachings, much like the Law of Moses became inundated with the Pharisee’s additional laws and ordinances.
For us: Do we trust the word of men over the Word of God (i.e. theologians)? Do we trust our culture over the Word of God (i.e. our heart as the grid for decision-making; choosing gender; marrying whoever I want)?
Properly emulated other churches and teachers (2.14; 1.6)
Paul’s exhortation to the Thessalonians to emulate him and other churches was not out of any kind of “my way or the highway” sentiment. Genuine offspring bear the traits of their parents (2.7, 11, 17)
True emulation = adopting the values and teachings of parents
Paul operated according to Christ’s standards, not his own (1 Cor 11.1)
What was special about the churches in Judea? (2.14).Predated most churches in the Greco-Roman world (Acts 1.8; 8.1)Following the martyrdom of Stephen, persecution in Jerusalem drove Christians out into Judea, Samaria, and into the worldThese churches were exemplary and worthy of emulation -- they simply responded to the gospel (Acts 2.42-47)AND they were willing to suffer for the gospel (2.14)
The Thessalonians too experienced persecution by Jews and their own countrymen, who were stirred up by Jewish rejection of the gospel (2.14-16; Acts 17.5-10)
Paul’s exhortation to the Thessalonians to emulate him and other churches was not out of any kind of “my way or the highway” sentiment. Genuine offspring bear the traits of their parents (2.7, 11, 17)
True emulation = adopting the values and teachings of parents
Paul operated according to Christ’s standards, not his own (1 Cor 11.1)
What was special about the churches in Judea? (2.14).Predated most churches in the Greco-Roman world (Acts 1.8; 8.1)Following the martyrdom of Stephen, persecution in Jerusalem drove Christians out into Judea, Samaria, and into the worldThese churches were exemplary and worthy of emulation -- they simply responded to the gospel (Acts 2.42-47)AND they were willing to suffer for the gospel (2.14)
The Thessalonians too experienced persecution by Jews and their own countrymen, who were stirred up by Jewish rejection of the gospel (2.14-16; Acts 17.5-10)
Their wholehearted embrace of the gospel and willingness to suffer for it was indication of their true faith.
Two responses to truth: Obedience (repentance & fruit-bearing) or Rejection (2.14b-16).
This is true worship (2.12; 1.6; Rom 12.1-2)
Blameless, at the coming of our Lord (5.23)
How are we doing, church?
Two responses to truth: Obedience (repentance & fruit-bearing) or Rejection (2.14b-16).
This is true worship (2.12; 1.6; Rom 12.1-2)
Blameless, at the coming of our Lord (5.23)
How are we doing, church?