Bible Center Church
Why Celebrate Mother's Day? | Various Texts | Part of a series titled: Why? | Pastor Matt Friend | 05.12.19
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  • 100 Bible Center Dr, Charleston, WV 25309, USA
    Sunday 9:00 AM, Sunday 11:00 AM
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Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church

Why Celebrate Mother's Day?
Because it reminds us that...

1. Motherhood was God’s idea.
(Genesis 1:26-28; 2:18-25; Matthew 19:4-6)
Why Celebrate Mother's Day?
Because it reminds us that...

2. There’s no such thing as a perfect mom.
(Genesis 3:1-13, 16; Luke 1:46-47)
Why Celebrate Mother’s Day?
Because it reminds us that...

3. Moms are indispensable to God’s plan of salvation.
(Genesis 3:15; 4:1, 25; Galatians 4:4-5)
Mother’s Day gives us a unique way and day to preach the gospel to one another.
Why Celebrate Mother’s Day?
Because it reminds us that...

4. God is pleased when we honor the moms in our life.
(Genesis 3:20; John 19:25-27)
There are aspects of God’s love that we can only know through a mother’s love.
Do something today to honor the moms (or mom-figures) in your life.

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