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Creekside Community Church

“B.L.E.S.” the Bay

“B.L.E.S.” the Bay

Creekside Community Church “B.L.E.S.” the Bay 5/12/ 2019 Leedah Wong, Church Planter

Locations & Times

Creekside Community Church

951 MacArthur Blvd, San Leandro, CA 94577, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

1.People who came to faith often brought their “Oikos” or household along with them. Who are the 8 to 15 Oikos (friends, coworkers, neighbors, family) that you were put in relationship with to influence for the gospel?
2.Acts 17:16-34 is a story of Paul’s preaching in Athens. There are many ways we can be encouraged in our own mission to proclaim the Gospel by reading this text and pausing to reflect- Read the entire section carefully and slowly, what might be God saying to you through this story?
3.In Luke 7:34 What is Jesus accused of being a “friend of”? How can this impact who we spend our own time with?
4.What are some barriers that stand in the way between us and living a “B.L.E.S.” lifestyle?
Going Deeper

2.Acts 17:16-34 is a story of Paul’s preaching in Athens. There are many ways we can be encouraged in our own mission to proclaim the Gospel by reading this text and pausing to reflect- Read the entire section carefully and slowly, what might be God saying to you through this story?
3.In Luke 7:34 What is Jesus accused of being a “friend of”? How can this impact who we spend our own time with?
4.What are some barriers that stand in the way between us and living a “B.L.E.S.” lifestyle?


1.Level 1: List out your “Oikos” and pray for them on a regular basis. Then ask God how you might be able to take initiative in engaging them in a tangible way.
2.Level 2: Grab a Jesus follower you can trust and practice sharing different versions of your testimony. Practice both an elevator pitch 30 second version and a 2 minute story version. A testimony should include 3 components: 1. How you were before 2. How you met Jesus 3. What kind of change it made in your life.
3.Level 3: Who is an unchurched neighbor you can have over for dinner in the coming weeks? The dinner is not to push anything, but just to feed and love them without agenda.