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Crown Pointe Church

2 Questions that will change your life

What's so special about Jesus?

Locations & Times

Crown Pointe Church

5950 NE Lakewood Way, Lee's Summit, MO 64064, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Current Culture
Offensive to say one thing is better than another

Offensive to say that you’re right

Offensive to say your Religion is better than or right above other religions

Comparing Religions
Not trying to put anyone down

How do they answer the Big Questions of Life?
Where did we come from?
Why are we here?
What happens after we die?
What is truth?

Do they work?
What do they achieve?
Does it correspond to reality?

What do they teach?
Source of Authority? Can it be trusted?
How do we get to God?
Who is Jesus?

What’s so special about Jesus?
Why consider what Jesus said over other 'wisdom's teachers?
His claims are validated by a historical event - the resurrection

Established by a variable event
· Eye witness accounts - 500 people
· Jews & Romans couldn't find the body
· Roman soldiers
· 10 Early non-Christian sources - verify every major doctrine
Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, Thallus, Phlegon, Pliny the Younger, and the Jewish Talmud!
Born of a Virgin – Taught – Miracles – Considered Christ & God – Crucified by Pilate – Rose from the dead
· Disciples called on contemporary hostile witnesses as proof
Enemy Testimony

Historian Paul Maier notes that “positive evidence within a hostile source is the strongest kind of evidence.” There are several places where we can see a hostile source testifies to the events in the New Testament.

Jewish leadership did acknowledge that Jesus’ tomb was empty (Matt. 28:11–15) as well as the confirmation about the resurrection from the conversion of many of the Jewish priests (Acts 6:7).

Not done in secret
· Early!
Accounts written within 20 years
o Fragment of Mark – Egyptian garbage dump
o 1 Corinthians 15:3-6 which contains a creed that can be traced back possibly as early as three to ten years after Jesus was crucified!
A radical change in unbelievers -
Peter - brothers – Paul

No one broke ranks
No upside for conspiracy
Disciples died horrible deaths didn't recant
ostracized, beaten, persecuted, and (all but one of them) suffer a martyr’s death–

· Archeology - History - effects in culture
Names – places
Pilate – procurator
Luke very specific
Vatican city – center of Rome!

· Embarrassing details
Don’t give your enemies ammunition
His-story – make yourself look a little better – excuses – hero
Creating a religion – you’d Want people to believe you – trust you – follow you
o Jesus baptized by John – All 4 Gospels - inferior to launch ministry?
o Disciples portray themselves as dim-witted, uncaring, uneducated, cowardly doubters who are rebuked by Jesus.
o Mary didn’t recognize Jesus
o They didn’t expect the resurrection
o Crucifixion – detestable death becomes the centerpiece of faith

Christian claims are public claims
Christian belief was never intended to be blind faith – but belief with reason
Worship God with all your heart, mind & strength!

Early Christians made their claims confidently and in public
Gospels are historical narratives
It's about Jesus
Jesus is the Way

He didn’t just point the way – he is the way

Not just a good teacher
We’re not left with that option when it comes to Jesus
Liar, Lunatic or Lord

He came to save us
God Comes to Man
We don’t have to work our way to God
You can’t do anything to make God love you more!
or less . . .

Keirkegaard - God loves you as much every day as on the day Christ died for us
Jesus is Truth

Historical - The Christian religion is grounded in truth, being based on a historical Person whose acts were verified by eyewitnesses and recorded by four different biographers.
10 non-Christian sources:
Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, Thallus, Phlegon, Pliny the Younger, and the Jewish Talmud!

They recount all key doctrines about Christ: Born of a Virgin – Taught – Miracles – Considered Christ & God – Crucified by Pilate – Rose from the dead

Ultimate truth
What is truth? Pilate
God is the ultimate truth
Garden – we make the rules?
Subjective – Objective

To Find Jesus is to find God
Jesus pointed to his miracles as evidence of the truth of his message
When John the Baptist asked if Jesus was the one - Jesus pointed to his miracles

He is the embodiment of truth, the revelation of God to humanity
The Christian religion is unique in that it forces us to face the
truth about ourselves,
humanity and speak the
truth with others.

Jesus is Life
Lazarus had been dead 4 days - his sister Elizabeth was frustrated Jesus hadn't come earlier to heal him - Jesus asked her if she believed in the resurrection? She said yes . . . then Jesus said
The Christian religion is unique in that it offers a close, intimate relationship with the personal God of the universe.

He is the source of life, and without Him one cannot truly live
Jesus called himself:
Bread of Life
Water that gives eternal life
Resurrection and the life

He proved his ability to be these things by what he did!

Raising Lazarus – John 11
Jairus’ daughter – Mark 5
Boy from Nain – Luke 7
Conquered death himself in the Resurrection

He’s unique because he himself raised from the dead!
He doesn’t demand conformity to a set of rules
· It’s no longer just rules
· Rules without relationship lead to rebellion
· It’s a relationship that makes us want to follow the rules
· It’s a change of heart that changes our allegiance – from ourselves to him
· He lives in us and gives us the desire and ability to follow those rules

We’re dead to sin and live in a new life
New Life!

We have a zeal for new life – new behavior – new values
· Other centered
· Servant leadership
· Forgiving those who don’t deserve it
· Living altruistic
· Giving rather than taking
· Overcome evil with good

Not forced changed from outside but revolutionized life from within

Selfless – Unconditional love that seeks to benefit the one loved
Love is not a duty but rather a motivation

Love literally fulfills the law –
Romans 13:10 Love does no wrong to others, so love fulfills the requirements of God’s law.

Man, in his creativity, has invented innumerable religions in his attempt to reach God.

God, in His love, has given us the truth:
Christianity, in which God reaches man

Do you want this new life?
Do you believe?
Will you accept his life for your life?

Jamaica adult missions trip

Want to serve God in Jamaica this summer building a kitchen onto an orphanage!? This trip is for you! Hit the link to see details

Stronger Men's 2020

You can get the super reduced group rate now (only 20 spots at this price) and then you can pay payments all year!

Crown Pointe Church giving

You can always contribute to support the ministries of Crown Pointe Church, pay for events and support missionaries at this link:

Mother's Day

Mother's day is next week!! You'll want to be here at Crown Pointe church as we make this a very special day for mothers. Our pastor's wife, Necole Luce, will be speaking, there will be giveaways and places to take pictures set up in the lobby. See you then!!

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