Creekside Community Church

Citizens: The Book of Philippians - Sermon 9 - How to Endure
Creekside Community Church Citizens: The Book of Philippians April 7th, 2019 Jeff Bruce, Lead Pastor
Locations & Times
Creekside Community Church
951 MacArthur Blvd, San Leandro, CA 94577, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
1. Define the Path (3:15-16)
2. Find Good Partners (3:17-19)
3. Focus on the Finish Line (3:20-21)
For further thought and discussion:
Getting Started
1. What was helpful to you in this week’s sermon? What didn’t you understand?
2. Think back over the past year. What activity required the most endurance (e.g. a work project; a medical issue; studying for an exam; a physical competition; a relationship)? Were you able to endure? If so, what helped you to endure?
Going Deeper
3. Paul exhorts the Philippians to, “think this way” (v. 15). What kind of mindset is Paul referring to (see vv. 12-14)? How do mature people think? Who do you know who thinks this way? Where do you need to cultivate more of a “growth mindset” as a follower of Christ, rather than a “fixed mindset”? How will you go about doing this?
4. Read vv. 17-19. Who does Paul want the Philippians to imitate? Why is it critical that we pick the right fellow-travelers (see vv. 18-19)? What group of people is Paul referring to in vv. 18-19? How are these opponents different than those mentioned in 3:2 (as well as those mentioned in 1:28)? Why would the Philippians be tempted to emulate their example, rather that of Paul (and Christ)? Can you think of a time when you almost unconsciously began to imitate another person’s behavior? Was it a positive behavior, or a negative one? Share your experience with the group.
5. Compare Philippians 2:5-11 with 3:20-21. Note the similarities between the path Christ walked, and the path we walk. How does this encourage and challenge you? Where have you been tempted to “bring the finish line forward”, and set your hope on something less glorious than Christ’s return?
6. In the New Testament, the Christian life is often described as a race (see 1 Corinthians 9:24; 2 Timothy 4:7; Hebrews 12:1). To stay the course, we need to define the path, find good partners, and focus on the finish line. Which of these three do you need to focus on in the coming week? How will you do this?
7. What’s one thing you can do this week to apply this passage?
Getting Started
1. What was helpful to you in this week’s sermon? What didn’t you understand?
2. Think back over the past year. What activity required the most endurance (e.g. a work project; a medical issue; studying for an exam; a physical competition; a relationship)? Were you able to endure? If so, what helped you to endure?
Going Deeper
3. Paul exhorts the Philippians to, “think this way” (v. 15). What kind of mindset is Paul referring to (see vv. 12-14)? How do mature people think? Who do you know who thinks this way? Where do you need to cultivate more of a “growth mindset” as a follower of Christ, rather than a “fixed mindset”? How will you go about doing this?
4. Read vv. 17-19. Who does Paul want the Philippians to imitate? Why is it critical that we pick the right fellow-travelers (see vv. 18-19)? What group of people is Paul referring to in vv. 18-19? How are these opponents different than those mentioned in 3:2 (as well as those mentioned in 1:28)? Why would the Philippians be tempted to emulate their example, rather that of Paul (and Christ)? Can you think of a time when you almost unconsciously began to imitate another person’s behavior? Was it a positive behavior, or a negative one? Share your experience with the group.
5. Compare Philippians 2:5-11 with 3:20-21. Note the similarities between the path Christ walked, and the path we walk. How does this encourage and challenge you? Where have you been tempted to “bring the finish line forward”, and set your hope on something less glorious than Christ’s return?
6. In the New Testament, the Christian life is often described as a race (see 1 Corinthians 9:24; 2 Timothy 4:7; Hebrews 12:1). To stay the course, we need to define the path, find good partners, and focus on the finish line. Which of these three do you need to focus on in the coming week? How will you do this?
7. What’s one thing you can do this week to apply this passage?