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Victory Hill Church



We believe that God's word has the answer to all of life's questions. Join us in taking 10 Days to dive into Proverbs and hear from people in our church and what they believe are some of the most important nuggets of wisdom found in the book of Proverbs.

Locations & Times

Victory Hill Church

4000 Coonpath Rd NW, Carroll, OH 43112, USA

Monday 12:00 AM


Proverbs 31:25

Day One
By Nicole Mackie

This verse speaks volumes to me and is one of my favorites. Not because I believe I reflect this type of women, but because it is who I long to become. I am personally in the midst of the diagnosis phase of a chronic illness. The Doctors believe it to be an auto immune type of arthritis. It has caused my outlook on what my future holds to be completely different from what I have always dreamed. It has caused me to live in fear. The symptoms I am already experiencing cause me to be miserable at times. You read about the disease and all that it entails and it can seem so discouraging. I am trying to be strong. I am trying to not let the fear of “what could happen” rob me of my joy. When I am at my worst it is easier said than done though.

Sometimes when we let fear in it rules our lives. It causes us to throw in the towel long before we reach our potential. It prevents us from learning our limits and finding out how strong we actually are. We are so consumed by our fears that we try to rob ourselves of all the lessons we can learn by taking the route God specifically laid out for us and individually equipped us for. How many times have we feared something and after surviving the flames, turned around and laughed at how afraid we once were? What if we laughed the entire journey, through the fire? Wouldn’t that change our mindset? They do say laughter is the best medicine.

Be STRONG...Be COURAGEOUS....and when the devil throws your fears in your face....
LAUGH at him and remind him that your future has already been bought!


Proverbs 27:17

Day 2
Nick Adams


Many of us go through trials and tribulations and try to handle everything on our own. But this verse explains that you weren’t meant to do so alone. Sometimes the weight of this world gets heavy. It may be an extenuating circumstance, an addiction you are fighting, or just everyday life beating at your door. Imagine laying on a bench and bench pressing. You add weight and add weight but eventually it becomes too heavy. You're about to crush yourself. But your spotter stops the weight, and HELPS you pick it up. The same concept applies with life. A good Christian accountability partner will not get upset with you, but will help you overcome your trials in love. Its proven that you can succeed when you have someone holding you accountable (but requires you to be 100% honest).

Let’s go a step farther. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 dives into how two are better than one. Verse 12 says “though one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him”. Proverbs 13:20 explains what kind of person to have as an accountability partner. It says you are wise when you walk with the wise. For a good accountability partner, this person must be wise and developed in Christ. They need to be able to fight in spiritual warfare as discussed in Ephesians 6:10-18. This is key for not only dealing with your problems, but also in growing your relationship with Christ. If we do all things to glorify Christ, then pray that He shows you an accountability partner that fits His will. This person also needs to be trustworthy, as you are being 100% honest after all!

Pray to God and thank Him specifically for these verses mentioned. Then ask the Father to show you who would be an accountability partner/partners that you can rely on in accordance to His will.

Who comes to mind?

Who is God-fearing, trustworthy, and loving that God is showing you?

Go to the person/persons that God is showing you, and ask them to be your Proverbs 27:17 accountability partner. And remember, it goes both ways. Hold each other accountable.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Proverbs 13:20

Ephesians 6:10-18


Proverbs 4:25-27

Day 3
Shelly White

I don’t think I could be a tight rope walker. You have the fear of falling, balance, focus that needs to be kept at all times, and yet we are called to do this with our lives. In Proverbs, Solomon challenges us to live for Christ much like a tight rope walker.

Read Proverbs 4:25-27

-Look straight ahead
-Fix your eyes
-Make a straight and safe path for your feet
-Focus and do not become sidetracked

Do you see the parallel?

As you live your lives with purpose, chasing after God and his perfect path for your life. I want to challenge all of us tight rope walker’s.
◦Keep focused on your destination-Nearness with God.
◦Watch out for distractions that will deviate you’re straight path
◦Most importantly, don’t let the fear of falling keep you on the ground!
Being saved from your sins and loving God is only the beginning. Take steps forward; grow your faith, share the gospel and disciple others. These are parts of the path that will get you to your destination.

What is your focus?
What distractions do you need to remove?
Are you taking steps daily towards God?


Proverbs 18:21

Day 4
Kim Martin

We can all certainly relate to the power of words. The power to build up or the power to tear down with those little adjectives, verbs, nouns and pronouns that proceed out of our mouth. What we speak brings life or death to our relationships, situations and our faith. When David stood before the giant, he chose his words carefully.
In 1 Samuel 17:45-46 “David said to the Philistine, You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. 47 All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”
David spoke very powerful words that brought death to his enemy and life to the greatness of His God. Notice how David speaks with confidence in God’s ability to deliver the enemy into his hands. David says very bold things about what is going to happen in this situation. Prior to this bold pre battle speech, David’s brother was offended by his sure words about God’s power and victory. So don’t be surprised if everyone doesn’t agree with what you say about a situation.
Just make sure your words agree with God’s Word and you will win the victory just like David did. David’s words come from knowing the Word of God and the heart of God. David knew God was able, David knew God was all powerful, David knew God was for Him. David spoke about God in that situation he was facing, God’s goodness, God’s faithfulness, God’s almighty power. How do you speak when things get difficult in your life? What words come out of your mouth that speak life to your dark times.
Job said “the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord” Job 1:21
Know this, the enemy will tempt you to speak ill of your God and His power, but like Job speak life into your situation no matter how dark it may seem. God told the prophet to “prophesy to the dry bones” in Ezekiel 37. What happened next was an amazing restoration of life into a valley full of death. God is still bringing life into dead situations today for those who are willing to open their mouths and say the extra ordinary things the Spirit of God directs them to speak from the Word of God.

Blessing and Cursing: Deuteronomy 30:19 tells us that God has “set before us life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life that you and your children may live.” The preceding verse clearly states that our words affect our children’s quality of life. Let that sink in…..

When my daughter was 18 months old, she would ride in the car seat in the back of the van. As my husband and I would drive home from church, I would whisper to tell him about a “situation” I had “heard” about or witnessed at church. My young daughter would ask from the back seat “can you talk a little louder, I can’t hear what you are saying”. We would laugh and not speak a little louder about the “church situation” but begin talking about unicorns and butterflies. You get the picture? I share this story to remind myself and others that what we say and how we say it affects our quality of life and the quality of life of those around us, namely our children who hang on our every word. You have the power to speak life into every situation, so use it. Your life will be filled with the fruit of your mouth. Proverbs 12:14, 15:23.

Thanks and Praise: Recently I wrote 1 Chronicles 23:30 “Thanks and Praise” on the whiteboard in my kitchen to remind me daily where I should take my conversations. David was old and full of days. He was putting things in place for his son Solomon to build the temple of God. David set people to work for the Lord, to “stand every morning to offer thanks and praise the Lord, and likewise at evening to do the same” This verse challenges me to examine my daily conversations.

Do I have an attitude of Thanks and Praise? Or do I grumble and complain like those children in the Wilderness who wanted to go back to Egypt for a few melons and cucumbers?

For extra reading:
John 10:10, James 3:2, Ecclesiastes 5:3, Ephesians 4:29-32

1 Samuel 17:45-47

Deuteronomy 30:19

Job 1:21

Proverbs 12:14

Proverbs 15:23

1 Chronicles 23:30


Proverbs 3:5-6

Day 5
Margaret Hutton

Some of you may remember or have even played the "Trust game" (also known as the "Trust fall"), at some point growing up. I can remember playing this game with family, friends, at church camp, and at several youth group events. The one consistency for me every time I played was that I was awful at it. I would agree to play and then end up either not falling back at all because of lack of trust in the person who was waiting to catch me, or I would take a step (or two) back as I fell so I could "control" my fall. So, I failed every single time.
When I read these verses in Proverbs, this game comes to mind. I think there is a very clear reason we are told to "trust in the Lord with ALL your heart". Our human nature is to either not trust at all or "step back" so we can control the outcome. Or maybe just "help" God out..which is exactly why we're told to "lean not on our own understanding." Our own understanding gets us way off track and makes us lose our focus of trusting Him fully. I can say in my own life that in every situation where I haven't trusted Him fully, I have fallen and failed. That's not His will for my life or yours.
In the very next verse its just as clear in saying, "In ALL your ways acknowledge Him.." Again, not in some things, in all things, fully trusting that if I trust my ways to Him, He will direct my paths. It's so simple, and yet we tend to complicate it with worry, doubt, questions, fears, and anxiety, when all He's asking is for us to fall back into His arms and trust Him to take care of it all. To trust means to rely on, to have confidence in, to lean on.


Can you say this in every area of your life when it comes to fully trusting God, or are there areas you too need to learn to fall back on Him without worrying that He won't be there to catch you?


Proverbs 3:11-12

Day 6
Kishona Lape

I don’t know anyone who likes to be wrong or corrected. In fact, the Bible even acknowledges that discipline and correction aren’t fun for us: “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” (Hebrews 12:11)
As a mom, I understand the importance of disciplining my children, and I see the long-term benefits to them of training and correcting them. I do it because I love them. It’s not because I’m being mean or bossy, but because I want to protect them, prepare them, and help them grow. However, when I was on the receiving end of discipline as a little girl, I definitely didn’t see it in that light most of the time.
Some days we react like little children when it comes to God’s discipline, even though He, too, only corrects those He loves. Plus, His discipline flows from His perfection, so it’s never unfair, unnecessary, mishandled, or at the wrong time. It is only ever for our good and our growth and motivated by His great love for us.

How have you been responding to God’s correction in your life?

Are you quick to receive it and repent, or are you hardening your heart to this expression of His love for you?

Hebrews 12:11


Proverbs 4:20-27

Day 7
Matt Sisco

From the instruction to listen carefully, to the plea to not be sidetracked, it is clear there is an important message to be heard. Guard your heart. Stay focused. Stay on the strait path.
These sound like simple principles to follow, but we all know just how busy a world we live in. It seems that there is always another place to be, another job to do, another task to check off our list. In a world that is always moving at such a fast pace and pushing us to keep up with the Jones’, it becomes so easy to lose sight of what is important. Our Relationship with Christ is often times something we squeeze in as opposed to the thing we focus on. It is difficult to guard our heart when we surround ourselves with people, things, and activities that desensitize us. We are surrounded constantly by the world and the evil that lives in it.
The key here is to be intentional. Guard your heart by strengthening and encouraging yourself in the word and in prayer daily. Filter the people and things you allow in your life, whether that be the shows you watch or the language you expose yourself to, set a standard for yourself and don’t compromise.

Stay focused on Christ by making him the priority. Don’t fit him into your life. Build your life around him and you will find yourself not easily distracted.


Proverbs 15:33

Day 8
Mary Davidson

Humility Preceded Honor

CS Lewis said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but it is thinking of yourself less.” Humility comes before honor is not what society is screaming at us today. A me, myself, and I attitude is everywhere we turn, which isn’t surprising, since it’s human nature to be selfish or prideful. We all want to be respected and honored, right??? Proverbs and many other scriptures through the Bible show us to be respected and honored, we MUST lay down our pride and live with humility. Jesus, was the perfect example of this as He lowered Himself to die a shameful death for our sins. He in return was honored and glorified as He rose from the dead and conquered the grave!!!
Honor does NOT happen unless we FIRST show humility....
Humility before the Almighty God
Humility towards our spouse/parents.
Humility in parenting
Humility at work/school
Humility in service at church.

Where could you live with MORE humility??

How do we obtain humility? Wisdom comes from “The Fear of the Lord.” Fear is translated reverence and respect. An all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-seeing God deserves respect. Reality is, He has the power to destroy everything, but and this is a huge BUT, HE LOVES YOU AND I !!!!

The reason He deserves reverence and respect is first, simply because of Who He is; GOD and second because He has CHOSEN to love us and not just love us but He delights being with us, God the creator!!! So when He says humility precedes honor, He is right and trust that He wants what is best for us.

How will you act on this truth today?

How will you live in wisdom and choose humility?

More scripture on humility...
Prov. 16:18, Prov. 27:1-2, Matt. 6:1
Luke 14:11, Phil.2:3-5, 1 Peter 5:5-7


Proverbs 15:1-2, Proverbs 15:4

Day 9
Lindsey Fraley

I remember walking around the playground as a child chanting the infamous phrase, “Sticks & stones may break my bones, but words [or names] will never hurt me”. At the time, I may have believed the physical accuracy of the saying; but as I got older, I realized that in fact, words can hurt! When spoken in anger, foolishly, or without thought, words are painful; leaving piercing and often lasting wounds to the heart and soul. They can also kindle a bitter wrath that festers and seethes deep within; hindering personal growth or accomplishment.

However, when words are spoken with knowledge and kindness, they can be even more profound than harmful words. There are life changing capabilities in our tongue when we uplift others (and encourage ourselves); which can even reverse the tragedy of past hurts or damages. One single inspiring word can initiate restoration and renewal, speaking life over death, and truth over deceit! These healing words articulate communication of wisdom, and can be accomplished even in the most subtle qualities; because it doesn’t require the loudest voice to deliver the most influential message.

Also reflective is the ability to rearrange a heated conversation by replying in a gentle nature. Have you ever tried to argue with someone who refuses to yell or fight back; but instead retorts with kind-heartedness and understanding? It redirects the tone and naturally guides peaceful and harmonious speech. This is how Jesus always communicates with His children, answering us with love and amity; and He expects us to be conscious of our responses and reactions towards others as well. It’s a wise lesson to learn the significance and weight of our words throughout our marriages, friendships, with family, and even strangers; and it requires intentionality to use Christ-like gentleness, wisdom, and healing when we speak.

"Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words can hurt the worst.
Before we speak, it’s wise to think, how God would say it first."


Proverbs 22:6-7

Day 10
Chris Sargent

Financial wellness, those two words are so important, yet seem so daunting. The statistics are alarming too. Money fights/financial stress are the leading cause of divorce in North America. 78% of households live paycheck to paycheck, that is 8 out of 10 homes we drive by. Here’s another statistic, on average, only 3-5% of Americans who give to their local church do so through regular tithing.

There is hope though! I believe changed behavior is learning to say no to more debt and yes to contentment. I get it too, we live in a ‘now’ society and it is tough! In Proverbs, the book of wisdom, Solomon says it like this “the borrower is slave to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7 (NIV). If we think about it, every single mention of debt in the Bible is negative, 100% of them, and there are thousands of them approximately 2,500 dealing with money and possessions. Not one time did God use debt to bless his people. When we grasp the hope of financial change, results begin to happen, and we are no longer defined by the negative statistics. Can you imagine how much the church could give if we didn’t have so much debt?

When we start handling God’s money, God’s way, financial peace suddenly becomes a reality. Not only this, but it also gives us the opportunity to literally change our family tree. Check out the verse just prior to Proverbs 22:7, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” Proverbs 22:6 (NIV). Based on our changed behavior, we can begin to instruct and train our kids in good financial principles such as giving, saving, and spending wisely. Can you imagine what our family trees would look like if our entire family started handling God’s money, God’s way?

Please hear my heart; I don’t write this to condemn anyone. This is tough and a lot of work. No doubt about it. I ask you to join with me and pray through these two scripture verses, Proverbs 22:6-7.

What is Christ calling you to do through these two verses?

How do you relate when it comes to training up your kids/grandkids in the way they should go?

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