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StoneBridge Community Church

Hearts and Minds #9: In the Name of Jesus

Hearts and Minds #9: In the Name of Jesus

Interim Pastor Neal Nybo

Locations & Times

StoneBridge Community Church

4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA

Saturday 5:25 PM

Online Connection Card

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Introduction to Hearts and Minds Message Series

Written by the Apostle Paul, the first seventeen verses of Colossians chapter three is like a “how-to” guide for following Jesus. This nine week, Hearts and Minds message series will unpack and explore these practical "how-to's" and inspire us to live them out.
Introduction to In the Name of Jesus message

Christians often conclude prayers with the words, “In Jesus' Name".

What does it mean to do something in someone else’s name? We get a sense of what it means from this interaction. A child knocks on a neighbor’s door and asks for a cup of sugar. The neighbor would be right to ask, “Did your mom or dad send you?” In other words, are you here in the name of your parents? In the name of, means on their behalf, with their permission, at their direction, in obedience to them and with their help.

What does it look like to do things in the name of Jesus? It’s an important question to ask because Colossians 3:17 tells us, "... whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus". This week Pastor Neal helps us see how we can do this in everyday life.

Text In Context

This is an additional commentary on Colossians 3:17
1. Do everything

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed,...
2. For him, with him

... do it all in the name of the Lord...

All of us do things. But, we might ask how is that done in the name of the Lord? We can't differentiate a Christian Firefighter from a Buddhist one. How does a Christian fight fires? Or make sales? Or, for that matter, go to a movie or watch a football game “ the name of the Lord..."?

What does your name mean?

Your name means something! Here is a sight where you can look up your name.

Hershey Chocolate's Code of Conduct

Hershey's commitment to their employees, consumers, and partners.
Reflection / Growth Group Discussion Questions
1. When have you represented, or spoken on behalf of, someone else?
2. Was it only what you said that reflected on them, or everything you did?
3. Does anyone represent you or speak on your behalf? If so, how does that experience give you insight into this weekend's message and Colossians 3:17?
3. Hershey Chocolate has a 30-page code of conduct ( If a company had a one-sentence code of conduct that read: “... whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of our company...” would employees have a good idea of what to do or say in most situations?
4. What does it mean to you to “Do everything in the name of the Lord...”?
3. To rescue the misplaced and abandoned

... of the Lord Jesus...

The name Jesus is an English translation of a Greek word which is, itself, a translation of the Hebrew name, Joshua.
Joshua = Yahshua = Yah + shuah. Yah is short for Yahweh, and shuah means "rescue." God saves!
4. Genuinely grateful for the privilege

... giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Reflection / Growth Group Discussion Questions
1. When you hear that Jesus’ name means “God saves”, does it seem that much of what Christians spend time doing and saying helps accomplish that?
2. What ministries of the church seem most effective at rescuing misplaced and abandoned people?
3. Do you have an example of a time when you did something in the name of Jesus and you felt grateful for the opportunity?
Next Steps:

Ask yourself these questions-
1. Would Jesus be alright with me doing this?
2. Would I do this with someone I love?
3. Would someone I love be hurt if I do this?
4. Would I act or speak differently in order to honor Jesus?

In Jesus' Name

In Jesus' Name
A Note from Pastor Neal
Last weekend in worship, I said an Ultimate Frisbee team is a community who all chip in when a need is expressed. As part of the StoneBridge community, I want to invite you to a brief meeting I’m calling The Ultimate Huddle, to discuss StoneBridge’s current financial climate. These brief meetings will be held after every worship service on the weekend of December 7/8. The Elder Board and I have a recommendation of how our church can be confidently sustainable in this season of leadership transition, while a new pastor is being called. Please join us for this important meeting.

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Weekend Worship Playlist

Enjoy this Spotify playlist with the songs played in worship this weekend!

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