Bible Center Church
Relationship Goals, Part 5
Sticks & Stones: The Power of Words - Fifth in a 6-part series titled: Relationship Goals: God’s Design for Friendship, Dating, Marriage & Sex | Pastor Shawn Thornton | 03.24.19
Locations & Times
  • 100 Bible Center Dr, Charleston, WV 25309, USA
    Sunday 9:00 AM, Sunday 11:00 AM
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Words are like toothpaste. Once they are out, they are impossible to put back in. - Unknown
Your words have the power to build others up or tear others down.
Three Kinds of Words

#1: Empty Words - words that are wasted.

Proverbs 10:19, 17:27-28, 18:13, 29:20
A meaningless silence is always better than meaningless words. -Unknown
Three Kinds of Words

#2: Death Words - words that hurt others.

Proverbs 10:13-14, 11:9, 12:18a, 18:6-7
It is better to bite your tongue than to eat your words. -Unknown
Three Kinds of Words

#3: Life Words - words that help others.

Proverbs 10:32, 12:18b, 16:24, 18:20
When Choosing Your Words, Ask...
Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can only be forgiven,
not forgotten. -Unknown
When Choosing Your Words, Ask...

#1: Am I the right person?

Proverbs 10:21-22, 11:12, 15:7, 27:6
When Choosing Your Words, Ask...

#2: Do I have the right motives?

Proverbs 12:18, 13:3, 21:23
When Choosing Your Words, Ask...

#3: Will I say it the right way?

Proverbs 15:1-2, 18:13
When Choosing Your Words, Ask...

#4: Is this the right timing?

Proverbs 25:11, 15:23
Do your words tear others down or build others up?

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