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StoneBridge Community Church

Becoming Who We Are Destined to Be: Gentleness

Becoming Who We Are Destined to Be: Gentleness

Interim Pastor Neal Nybo

Locations & Times

StoneBridge Community Church

4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA

Saturday 5:30 PM

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

Online Connection Card

Thanks for joining us today! Follow this link to our online Connection Card where you can let us know you were here and share any prayer concerns.

Gentleness is not weakness

Gentleness is not weakness. We can't overstate this or emphasize it enough. And, in fact, we all know it is true, we just haven’t thought about it much. Consider this video. Ask yourself why we automatically think this is an example of gentleness,

Ten Ways Jesus Is A Gentle Person

"If you’re having trouble settling on a single adjective for Jesus, may I suggest 'gentle'?" ...
1. Gentleness is strength under control.
The greater the power differential, the greater the gentleness must be.
Personal Reflection / Growth Group Questions
1. Who is a gentle person you know?
2. What about them makes the gentle?
3. What about Jesus made him gentle?
2. Eliminate sarcasm because we are never “only kidding.”
3. Training in Righteousness: 4 stages of competence
Personal Reflection / Growth Group Questions
1. When have you experienced sarcasm?
2. When are you tempted to express sarcasm?
3. Would others say this is a habit you have?
Stage 1. Unconsciously Incompetent.
Stage 2. Consciously Incompetent.

Describe something you are well aware you are not good at.
Stage 3. Consciously Competent

Is there something you can do when you really concentrate?
Stage 4. Unconsciously Competent

What do you do well without having to think about it?

Conscious Competence

Here is a video about the conscious competence model.

More Conscious Competence

Here is an article about the conscious competence model.
Personal Reflection / Growth Group Questions
1. What do you take away from this message?
2. What might you work on in terms of gentleness?
3. Where do you have power and now realize you need to control it in order to be more gentle?
4. How might knowing about the four stages of competence help you in your growth?

Spirit of Gentleness

Spirit of Gentleness

New Session starts Sunday, March 17th @ 3pm Did you know that 89% of the people in a typical American congregation don’t have a financial safety net? But there’s HOPE! And that hope is Financial Peace University. FPU is a nine-lesson course taught by Dave Ramsey and his team of financial experts. With FPU, you will learn step by step how to handle money using biblical wisdom and common sense. Through life-changing videos, online tools and resources, and group accountability, you will learn how to create and stick to a budget, save for emergencies, pay off debt, and plan for the future.

Sign up online here...

If you would like to check out the course, attend the first class for free! Contact Dean and Beth Huebert at 805-579-8738 for more information.

The Habit Flyer

Click here to download a flyer for The Habit.

Weekend Worship Playlist

Enjoy this Spotify playlist with the songs played in worship this weekend!

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