StoneBridge Community Church

Following Jesus
Interim Pastor Neal Nybo
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:30 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Online Connection Card
Thanks for joining us today! Follow this link to our online Connection Card where you can let us know you were here and share any prayer concerns. vs Intentional on a 4-wheel ATV
Neal used the example of having to intentionally learn to not put his foot down on the ground when riding a 4-wheel ATV. He instinctively put his foot down every time he stopped because he had learned to do that riding bikes and motorcycles.
1. What habits or instinctual pattern have you had to unlearn or retrain yourself to do differently?
1. What habits or instinctual pattern have you had to unlearn or retrain yourself to do differently?
1. We ... with Jesus in order ... Jesus so we can automatically ...
We learn to be with Jesus in order to become like Jesus so we can automatically do what he would do.
Doing what Jesus would do if he were in our situation
I owe a great deal of my perspective on faith and spiritual growth to Dallas Willard. He was a philosophy professor. His writing can be a challenging read but always worth the effort. Reflection / Growth Group Questions
1. Can you name anything of significance that you knew how to do perfectly, the first time you tried?
2. What activity or skill has been important enough to you that you made the effort to get better at it?
3. How long did it take and how much effort?
4. Can you remember a time you made an effort to grow in an area of faith? What was it? What did you do?
2. What activity or skill has been important enough to you that you made the effort to get better at it?
3. How long did it take and how much effort?
4. Can you remember a time you made an effort to grow in an area of faith? What was it? What did you do?
The Text In Context
This links to a study that goes into great depth about the disciples being called to follow Jesus Follower or Tourist?
Neal talked about fly fishing and said some people acted like tourists, just wanting the expert guide to do everything for them. He contrasted that with the guide's assistant who was a follower of the guide. He wanted to be with him to learn to be like him.
Not a fan
Kyle Idleman's Not A Fan looks deeply at the concepts implied in this sermon's question, Follower or Tourist. Reflection / Growth Growth Discussion
1. Describe something you would say you are interested in at the level of a tourist. For example, Neal is not a big sports enthusiast. He is a tourist when it comes to attending sporting events. He will go with someone who gets the tickets, finds the seats, and tells him about the team and the game in general.
2. Describe something you would say you are interested in at the level of a follower. For example, Neal follows Android and TV tech. He knows about the latest phones, technologies, TV quality. He is interested in being up to day. He doesn't buy the latest and most expensive devices but he has a wish list!
3. What is an area of faith or growth you would be interested in becoming more of a follower, learning it so you can do it more instinctively?
2. Describe something you would say you are interested in at the level of a follower. For example, Neal follows Android and TV tech. He knows about the latest phones, technologies, TV quality. He is interested in being up to day. He doesn't buy the latest and most expensive devices but he has a wish list!
3. What is an area of faith or growth you would be interested in becoming more of a follower, learning it so you can do it more instinctively?
3. This is a church. We ... like Jesus
This is a church. We are supposed to be like Jesus.
David Kinnaman's book Unchristian looks at how others see Christians' beliefs and behavior. Here is an in depth review and summary of the book. Reflection / Growth Growth Discussion
1. Have you known "mean" Christians or have you been hurt by a church?
2. Would you agree or disagree that helping people become more like Jesus is a priority for the church?
3. Some would argue the church's job is to move forward the agenda of Jesus, politically or socially. Would you agree or disagree that this is a higher goal than training people to be more like Jesus? Why or why not?
2. Would you agree or disagree that helping people become more like Jesus is a priority for the church?
3. Some would argue the church's job is to move forward the agenda of Jesus, politically or socially. Would you agree or disagree that this is a higher goal than training people to be more like Jesus? Why or why not?
4. Everyone responds better when Christians don’t ... Jesus, but ... him.
Everyone responds better when Christians don’t just talk about Jesus, but act like him.
Key Pastors Affirm, Even Apologize to Beth Moore
This article is a timely, and painful, example of Christian leaders, by their own admission, not acting like Jesus towards another Christian leader only because she was a woman. Sadly, this behavior went on for years. Gratefully, many responded graciously and apologetically when their un-Christlike behavior and attitudes were pointed out. Do you think it would be easy to find other examples of Christians acting in ways Jesus would not? Reflection / Growth Growth Discussion
1. What are some examples of Christians not acting like Jesus that make the headlines these days?
2. Do you know people who stay away from church and faith because of these kinds of actions on the part of Christians?"
3. Would a church be more attractive if its members acted and had the attitudes of Jesus?
2. Do you know people who stay away from church and faith because of these kinds of actions on the part of Christians?"
3. Would a church be more attractive if its members acted and had the attitudes of Jesus?
5. ______________________ with Jesus.
Sleeping in the boat beside Jesus
An effort to explain Jesus' behavior
Here is a good example of a teacher wrestling with Jesus' actions during the storm. He said it could mean one of several things or none of them. There are some good applications here. Pastor Neal's not being critical, just pointing out the difficulty of understanding this passage when not thinking of Jesus as expert and trying to teach his followers to actually follow him obediently. Reflection / Growth Growth Discussion
1. Think of a time you had a storm in your life. What actions did you take?
2. Did you try to solve a problem? Did you seek to defend yourself?
3. What happened? Did you feel good about it?
4. Without being critical of yourself, think about how things would have been different if you had practiced sleeping beside Jesus in the boat.
5. What might you have done differently?
6. Would it have been hard for you to do those different things?
2. Did you try to solve a problem? Did you seek to defend yourself?
3. What happened? Did you feel good about it?
4. Without being critical of yourself, think about how things would have been different if you had practiced sleeping beside Jesus in the boat.
5. What might you have done differently?
6. Would it have been hard for you to do those different things?
Next Steps
Think of a current storm in your life. Think about your options, about what you are thinking about doing. Then ask yourself, would doing this be sleeping in the boat? Then pray, Jesus, please help me sleep beside you in the boat.

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