StoneBridge Community Church

At the Crossroads
Interim Pastor Neal Nybo
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:30 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Online Connection Card
Thanks for joining us today! Follow this link to our online Connection Card where you can let us know you were here and share any prayer concerns. Stop at the...and...
Stop at the crossroads and look around
History of Apple
Apple came to a crossroads with its Mac computer in the 1980s. It looked around and saw an opportunity with its ipod. That became the iphone and the rest is history. Reflection / Growth Group Questions
1. Can you think of other companies that have faced crossroads? What happened?
2. What are some crossroads in StoneBridge's history?
3. Can you name a crossroad in your own life? Did you stop and look around? If so, what did you see? What happened?
2. What are some crossroads in StoneBridge's history?
3. Can you name a crossroad in your own life? Did you stop and look around? If so, what did you see? What happened?
2. Ask for the old, godly way, and...
Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
The Text In Context
Four elements of the old, godly way.Here is a PDF of four components to include when seeking God's will and direction. Reflection / Growth Growth Discussion
1. What are some of the elements of the old, godly way?
2. What has been helpful for you when seeking God's direction?
2. What has been helpful for you when seeking God's direction?
3. God's way always requires...
God's way always requires faith.
Step of Faith
This is a nice description of what steps of faith might look like using practical examples from life. Especially nice is the description of a toddler taking her first steps. They are wobbly and unsure but everyone is so happy and proud. Reflection / Growth Growth Discussion
1. Why might God's way always require faith?
2. What are some examples from Scripture of God acting once His people acted in faith?
3. Do you have an example from your own experience?
4. Do you have an example that has happened at StoneBridge?
2. What are some examples from Scripture of God acting once His people acted in faith?
3. Do you have an example from your own experience?
4. Do you have an example that has happened at StoneBridge?
4. Travel its path, and you will find...
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.
Personal Reflection / Growth Growth Discussion
1. Describe a time when you felt anxious about a decision?
2. Did you ever find peace or "rest for your soul?"
3. What contributed to that peace?
4. Would you say you traveled the path of the old, godly way?
2. Did you ever find peace or "rest for your soul?"
3. What contributed to that peace?
4. Would you say you traveled the path of the old, godly way?
Next Steps
Think of a situation in your life that includes change, a potential crossroads.
Stop at the crossroads and look around. Look at your circumstances and the people involved.
Watch for a lamp to your feet – one next step. Look for a light for your path – a general direction.
Share your thoughts with a friend.
Stop at the crossroads and look around. Look at your circumstances and the people involved.
Watch for a lamp to your feet – one next step. Look for a light for your path – a general direction.
Share your thoughts with a friend.

By joining a Growth Group, you're joining community! Take a look at the Spring schedule printed in the bulletin and/or contact Barbara Waite ( to sign up today.
Be an integral part of StoneBridge’s vibrant Growth Group Ministry. This is the final weekend to volunteer as a facilitator or host for the next, nine week message series that begins the first weekend in February. If you’re willing to open your home and/or facilitate a group, please contact Barbara Waite (

Come share some love with our neighbors at Ashlee Manor by donating groceries, doing odd jobs, preparing some food for lunch, or just visiting with a lonely friend. For more information or to sign-up, please visit the ministry table after service.

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