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StoneBridge Community Church

The Greatest

The Greatest

Pastor Cynthia Purvis

Locations & Times

StoneBridge Campus

4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA

Saturday 5:30 PM

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

Online "Connection Card"

Thanks for joining us today! Follow this link to our online "Connection Card" where you can let us know you were here and share any prayer concerns.

Rolling Stone List of 2018

The 50 best songs of 2018

New York Times List of 2018 Books

The best books released in 2018 that you should probably read.

TIME Person of the Year

Time Magazine chose a group of people as this years' representatives.

Entertainment Weekly's List of 2018 Movies

Some of the best and worst movies of 2018

Who Were The Pharisees?

Were they really enemies of Jesus?

The Law

The first five books of the Bible contain the law that was given to Moses.

The 10 Commandments Turn Into 613 Laws

Further explanation of the 613 laws that Jews follow.

Matthew 22 in Context
For Reflection/Discussion:
Why are heart conditions serious? Have you been affected by a heart condition in your own life or through a loved one?
Why are spiritual heart conditions serious?
Spiritual heart conditions affect each one of us in our faith. If you were to narrow down which area of your life that is out of rhythm which would it be- worship, group life or service? What can you do to get back in rhythm?

American Heart Association

For more information on recognizing the signs of strokes and heart attacks, check out the helpful information provided by the American Heart Association. Pay attention to your body and get regular heart check ups.

Why Following Your Heart Is A Really Bad Idea

There is a difference between following your heart and being led by God.

StoneBridge Community Church Core Values

Check out our core values and get involved.

Come Thou Fount

Robert Robinson wrote the beloved song based on his life experience of wandering away from God.

1. Follow...

God's heart.

2. Devote your...

whole being, your capabilities and weaknesses to God.

Freakonomics Podcast

Episode 344- Who Decides How Much A Life Is Worth? Interview with Kenneth Feinberg.
For Reflection/Discussion:
Is it morbid to think of our lives with a price tag attached? Why or why not? In some ways does it make you think about how much each day matters?
Would you want Kenneth Feinberg's job? Why or why not?
What makes your life matter? What do you want to do with your life? In what ways can you serve God with your life?

How To Use Parental Controls On A Smartphone

Tips for limiting your child's smartphone use and reducing screen time, for both Android devices and iPhones

Your Brain On Imagination

A new study by University Of Colorado Boulder shows that brain scans look similar between people experiencing something and people imaging they are experiencing something.

3. Focus your...

thoughts on God.
For Reflection/Discussion:
Have you ever experienced your brain altering reality? You thought of something and then felt yourself getting anxious or afraid or excited. What were you thinking to cause that reaction?
How many times a day do you go on autopilot? Do you always go on autopilot at the same time each day? What are the sort of things you coast through on autopilot?
How has going on autopilot affected you?
Agree or disagree- thoughts are powerful
Agree or disagree- thoughts can be changed
How can focusing your thoughts on God change your life?

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