West Towne Christian Church

Hold On to Holiness
Locations & Times
9300 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37931, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Welcome to West Towne Christian Church.
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Our Mission: Inspiring People to Follow Jesus
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For 5 weeks we’ll preach messages from 1 Peter. He’s such a courageous leader, a rock just like Jesus had predicted. His letter is packed with encouragement and wisdom. Christ has given us living hope through His resurrection! So no matter what you are facing, hold on to your hope in Christ!
Holiness emphasizes “set-apart-ness” or uniqueness.
Being holy is about being who God has already declared you to be. Living into the identity Christ has given us - not making one up for ourselves.
Holiness cannot be earned. Holiness is an aspect of who you already are in Christ Jesus the Lord.
- NT Wright
- NT Wright
Holiness on our part is an openness to the presence of God.
- Scot McKnight
- Scot McKnight
1) Prepare our minds for action
2) Like obedient children
2) Like obedient children
It’s not our repentance that leads to God’s kindness, but God’s kindness that leads us to repentance.
- Scott Souls
- Scott Souls
The Christian life of obedience is not a pilgrimage toward a goal…it is a witness or signpost to that end that has already been achieved by Christ the Lord and will be consummated in the last day via the action of God.
- Fleming Rutledge
- Fleming Rutledge
We do what God has asked of us...
because of what God has done for us.
because of what God has done for us.
Be the person that Jesus died for you to be.
Lean into his identify for you.
Lean into his identify for you.