North Platte Berean Church

The Jungles Are Here
We're excited about the amazing work God is doing at NPBC and in Lincoln County, but He sure doesn't stop there! Today we'll be expanding our gaze by welcoming Pastor Jorge Pacheco and some of his church's worship team members – we'll worship together in dual languages and glean truth from the Word as Jorge preaches! Jorge serves at Revelación 19, a Spanish-speaking church plant in Vancouver, WA, and we have the privilege of financially and prayerfully supporting him and his wife Elodia in that work.
Locations & Times
North Platte Berean Church
202 W 8th St, North Platte, NE 69101, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Sunday 6:00 PM
We'd love to connect with you, pray for you, and answer your questions – please fill out a ConnectCard at (or use paper copy from the seat pocket in front of you). Here?
• Large gatherings: Sundays 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 6 p.m.
• ConnectCard: Bring to information center in foyer for free cookies!
• Sound levels: Assisted listening devices and earplugs available at sound booth in back of auditorium.
• Find out more: Visit information center in foyer, go to, email, or call 308-532-7448.
• ConnectCard: Bring to information center in foyer for free cookies!
• Sound levels: Assisted listening devices and earplugs available at sound booth in back of auditorium.
• Find out more: Visit information center in foyer, go to, email, or call 308-532-7448.
For New Families
• Mother's Room: A private room where you can care for your baby and still listen in on the gathering – north of auditorium (follow signs).
• Kids Connect (infant-5th grade): Check-in upstairs from foyer. Kids also welcome in large gatherings; activity bags available in back of auditorium.
• Sola (6th-12th grade): Main gatherings Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Garage Café (across Vine St.). Middle school also meets Sundays at 11 a.m. upstairs.
• Kids Connect (infant-5th grade): Check-in upstairs from foyer. Kids also welcome in large gatherings; activity bags available in back of auditorium.
• Sola (6th-12th grade): Main gatherings Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Garage Café (across Vine St.). Middle school also meets Sundays at 11 a.m. upstairs.
Giving at NPBC
• On Sunday: place cash or checks in wooden boxes at back of auditorium
• Online:
• Text: text any amount to 84321
• Mail: 202 W. 8th St., North Platte, NE 69101
• Online:
• Text: text any amount to 84321
• Mail: 202 W. 8th St., North Platte, NE 69101
Creating Spaces
We believe that by 2022, through God’s grace and power, we will see 2,000 people baptized and growing in relationship with Jesus through the Word, prayer, and community. One key step? Creating spaces to reach more faces. Find out more: Up
See the weekly announcements on our web site, Facebook, or Twitter: It Over
For questions to reflect on the sermon and discuss with your Grow Group, visit: