Central Assembly

Central's Core Values - 'God-sized Footprint'
Pastor Jim Bradford | November 4, 2018
Locations & Times
Central Assembly
1301 N Boonville Ave, Springfield, MO 65802, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
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http://www.centralassembly.org/connectCore Values:
*** Hungry Hearts
*** Attentive Eyes
*** Linked Arms
*** Open Hands
*** God-sized Footprint: God has a plan bigger than we can see with human eyes
*** Hungry Hearts
*** Attentive Eyes
*** Linked Arms
*** Open Hands
*** God-sized Footprint: God has a plan bigger than we can see with human eyes
What is a God-sized Footprint?
--- It's a generational footprint . . .
--- It's a generational footprint . . .
* Start a generational prayer partner
* Tell your story
* Volunteer in generational ministry
* Tell your story
* Volunteer in generational ministry
What is a God-sized Footprint?
--- It's a global footprint . . .
--- It's a global footprint . . .
J. Oswald Smith, The Cry of the World
“We should have kept before us our Lord’s post-resurrection commands. We should have evangelized the world. Otherwise we have no ground for our existence as a church. There is no reason why we should have churches unless they are reaching out to those who have never heard.”
“We should have kept before us our Lord’s post-resurrection commands. We should have evangelized the world. Otherwise we have no ground for our existence as a church. There is no reason why we should have churches unless they are reaching out to those who have never heard.”
* Pray for missionaries
* Give your money
* Take a missions trip
* Give your money
* Take a missions trip
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