CrossWay Church
October 28: 1 John 2:12-14
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
I John 2:12-14: Growing in Faith
I) John wants his readers to make sure they have a real relationship with God.
A) Theological Sign: There are many paths to ___________. Faith in Jesus is the only way to God.
B) Obedience Sign: Christians desire to __________ God and live more like Jesus.
C) Relational Sign: Christians strive to _______ others as Christ loved us!
II) Who is John referring to in 1 John 2:12-14?
A) John is writing to _____ believers. Masculine plural pronouns can include men and women.
B) John uses the 3 different phrases (children, young men and fathers) to describe three different spiritual _____________.
III) Christians should grow in our faith.
A) What John says to each group applies to all Christians, it just ______________ those in that phase.
B) Newer Christians (Children): They have put their _________ in Christ as their Savior.
1) They have been _______________ on account of Jesus’s name.
2) They know __________, the Father.
B) Growing Christians (Young Men): They strive to learn more about God and wrestle with their sin!
1) They have ____________ the evil one via the work of Christ.
2) They are ________________ in the power of Christ.
3) The _____________ of God (Spirit of God) lives in them.
C) Mature Christian (Fathers): They know Jesus through a lifetime of experiences.
I) John wants his readers to make sure they have a real relationship with God.
A) Theological Sign: There are many paths to ___________. Faith in Jesus is the only way to God.
B) Obedience Sign: Christians desire to __________ God and live more like Jesus.
C) Relational Sign: Christians strive to _______ others as Christ loved us!
II) Who is John referring to in 1 John 2:12-14?
A) John is writing to _____ believers. Masculine plural pronouns can include men and women.
B) John uses the 3 different phrases (children, young men and fathers) to describe three different spiritual _____________.
III) Christians should grow in our faith.
A) What John says to each group applies to all Christians, it just ______________ those in that phase.
B) Newer Christians (Children): They have put their _________ in Christ as their Savior.
1) They have been _______________ on account of Jesus’s name.
2) They know __________, the Father.
B) Growing Christians (Young Men): They strive to learn more about God and wrestle with their sin!
1) They have ____________ the evil one via the work of Christ.
2) They are ________________ in the power of Christ.
3) The _____________ of God (Spirit of God) lives in them.
C) Mature Christian (Fathers): They know Jesus through a lifetime of experiences.
Reformation Day Wednesday, Oct. 31 5:30 - 8 p.m. at the church.
We are not allowed to park in the Helen B Morris Lot starting next week.
We are not allowed to park in the Helen B Morris Lot starting next week.
Personal Notes