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CrossWay Church

October 21: 1 John 2:7-11

October 21: 1 John 2:7-11

Locations & Times

CrossWay Church Battle Ground

311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

I John 2:7-11: Obeying God’s Word
I) Introduction:

A) John’s Theological Sign: Believers trust that Jesus Christ is their advocate & atoning sacrifice

B) John’s Moral Sign: Believers acknowledge God is in charge and obey his commands.

II) John's ______________ Signpost: Believers love other followers of Christ!

A) John’s ___________, caring, grandfatherly tone continues.

B) Is this a new or old command?

1) The command to love others is found in the _______ Testament (Lev. 19:18).

2) Yet, John acknowledges that this command has a ________ emphasis and meaning in Christ!

3) Christ demonstrated what it means to _________ love others. We freely give and do not expect anything in return.

4) This ____________ kind of love has the power to transform our lives and others.

Who do you know that could benefit from this sacrificial love?

III) John’s warnings about not loving others.

A) If we hate or show contempt towards others, we are living in spiritual ________________.

Who do you have contempt for?

Who easily offends you?

Who do you try to avoid?

Who do you have a hard time showing love to?

B) Hatred negatively ___________ our view of others and blinds us to the truth.

IV) When we fail, we remember Jesus is our advocate and atoning sacrifice. We use his love to motivate us to love others better.

CROSSWAY CORE VALUE OF LOVING OTHERS:God calls us to love others. He changes lives through loving relationships. In our journey of faith, we experience community as we begin a relationship with Christ, and spend time with other Christ-followers. In this community of faith, relationships are developed, and deepened. It is a safe place to bring our hurts, dreams, fears, doubts, and joys. We are changed through sharing these things while being loved by others.
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