Faith Lutheran Church

GO DEEPER Study and Reflection Questions 6/12
On average each of us will spend approximately 45 years of our existence working at some kind of occupation. We often gain our sense of identity and and value from our work (or what we do!). Maybe instead of asking folks in a conversation, "What do you do?" We might ask, "Why do you do what you do?" The way that question is answered will mean everything in terms of finding meaning, fulfillment, and joy in our work. Again, the Preacher in the book of Ecclesiastes asks some hard questions. Thankfully, Jesus gives us the life-giving answers about this topic of work.
Locations & Times
Faith Lutheran - Oakville & Columbia
6101 Telegraph Rd, St. Louis, MO 63129, USA
Monday 9:00 AM
Open It (for groups)
What is something about work that you find satisfying?
What is something about work that you find satisfying?
June 12 Ecclesiastes 2:12-17
In the end, why is life vanity apart from faith in the Lord? What might you be doing in the absence of faith that will become chaff thrown into the devouring fire?
In the end, why is life vanity apart from faith in the Lord? What might you be doing in the absence of faith that will become chaff thrown into the devouring fire?
June 13 Ecclesiastes 2:18-26
Why is it that the so-called significant things of this life work can get us become idols that ultimately pass away and provide no lasting value in the context of forgiveness, life, and salvation in Christ? How can meaninglessness work create despair and depression?
Why is it that the so-called significant things of this life work can get us become idols that ultimately pass away and provide no lasting value in the context of forgiveness, life, and salvation in Christ? How can meaninglessness work create despair and depression?
June 14 Proverbs 1:22
Why would workers want to avoid being content in their immaturity, delighting in scoffing and resisting the way of the Lord? Why and how do people reject wisdom?
Why would workers want to avoid being content in their immaturity, delighting in scoffing and resisting the way of the Lord? Why and how do people reject wisdom?
June 15 Matthew 11:28
In what ways do you feel weary and burdened right now? What is it like to experience the promised “rest” of Christ?
In what ways do you feel weary and burdened right now? What is it like to experience the promised “rest” of Christ?
June 16 Luke 12:16-21
What parts of the parable make you uncomfortable or seem difficult to accept? How is it possible for you to be rich toward God?
What parts of the parable make you uncomfortable or seem difficult to accept? How is it possible for you to be rich toward God?
June 17 Psalm 145:15-16
How certain are you that God provides for and sustains at the proper time? How does the Lord meet the needs of His people?
How certain are you that God provides for and sustains at the proper time? How does the Lord meet the needs of His people?
June 18 Matthew 6:19-24
What is the right attitude Jesus urged toward possessions by presenting contrasting pictures of treasures, eyes, and masters? Like Christ, how are you a servant in your workplace?
What is the right attitude Jesus urged toward possessions by presenting contrasting pictures of treasures, eyes, and masters? Like Christ, how are you a servant in your workplace?
Live It
So many of us truly believe we can find meaning and purpose in our work, but can we really? The words of Ecclesiastes 2:12-26 are where work and its benefits are put to the test. What are you working for?
So many of us truly believe we can find meaning and purpose in our work, but can we really? The words of Ecclesiastes 2:12-26 are where work and its benefits are put to the test. What are you working for?