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The Bridge Church

Unfinished Series - Unfinished Grace

Unfinished Series - Unfinished Grace

March 23, 2025

Locations & Times

Bridge Church

2410 N River Rd, Venice, FL 34292, USA

Sunday 7:45 AM

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:30 AM

- Gentile (Roman Centurion)
- “devout and feared God”
- “charitable deeds and always prayed to God”
1. Being religious is not enough - everyone needs a Savior
2. The gospel removes barriers for all people to be saved
3. We are called to be a bridge builder of the gospel

I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.

I need to be baptized.

I need to attend Starting Point.

I need to join a serve team.

I need to join a small group.
Dig Deeper:
1. As we wrap up the Unfinished, how has God been working in your life through this sermon series to reveal the unfinished work he has in you and in the life of our church?
2. So far, what has been your best takeaway from the book of Acts?
3. Read Acts 10:1. What is a centurion? Describe Cornelius’s job as part of the Italian Regiment.
4. Read Acts 10:2. What made Cornelius and his family different than other Romans?
5. What is a works-based belief system? How was Cornelius living this out in his life?
6. Was Cornelius searching for God? Describe the time in your life where you first were searching for God.
7. Was Cornelius doing anything wrong? Why or why not?
8. Read Acts 10:3-6. What is Cornelius asked to do? Who is asking him to do it? What did the angel call Cornelius’s “good works”? Why?
9. How might Cornelius be feeling in this moment?
10. Read Acts 10:9-10. How is Peter’s vision different than Cornelius’s vision?
11. Read Acts 10:11-13. Why would this be very alarming to Peter? What kinds of animals do you think he saw?
12. Read Acts 10:14. What is Peter’s response? How is God teaching Peter the gospel with the illustration of food?
13. Read Acts 10:15. What are the unclean animals representing in this vision? Who is clean because of Jesus?
14. Read Acts 10:16. Why does this happen three times? Why would that have been significant to Peter?
15. What was God doing to Peter in this moment? Is this shocking to you, knowing Peter’s relationship with Jesus already? How does this inform our relationship with Jesus?
16. How does the gospel challenge cultural assumptions? Describe a time when you’ve seen this lived out.
17. Read Acts 10:19. How might Peter be feeling in this moment?
18. Read Acts 10:28-29. How could Peter react? Instead, how is Peter’s being a bridge builder of the gospel?
19. Read Acts 10:34-43. Do you think Cornelius, and his family and friends, had heard the gospel before in this way? Why or why not?
20. Read Acts 10:4-48. What was their next step to their coming to faith in Jesus?
21. Have you been baptized before? If so, describe the experience.
22. Read Acts 11:15-17. What is Peter saying here? Why does God want to save people from every tribe and language?
23. Read Acts 11:18. What is astounding about this statement? How is this different than before? Why does it change everything?

Live It Out:

Romans 10:12-13: Since there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, because the same Lord of all richly blesses all who call on him. 13 For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

This week, remember that:

1. Being religious is not enough – everyone needs a Savior. Have you been living out a works-based belief system, trying to earn your way to Heaven? How is that working out? Cornelius was a religious man who did good things, but he didn’t know Jesus. If you don’t have a relationship with Jesus, you can begin right now in this moment. Pray to God, saying: “Jesus, thank you for dying on a cross for my sin. Thank you for conquering death. I believe that you lived, died, and rose again. I surrender my life to follow You. In Jesus name I pray, amen.”
2. The gospel removes barriers for all people to be saved. Do you feel the opposite of someone who is trying to do good works to earn their way to Heaven? Instead, do you feel like there are too many barriers in your life that keep you away from God; that you’ve chased after the world too long to receive His grace and love? Regardless of working too hard or feeling too far gone, we are equally valuable to God. When we receive Jesus by grace through faith, it changes our relationship from alienated to connected. If you haven’t placed your faith in Jesus, you can do so today. Pray to God, saying: “Jesus, thank you for dying on a cross for my sin. I no longer want any barriers between me and You. I repent of my sin and choose to surrender my life to follow You. Thank you for conquering death. I believe that you lived, died, and rose again. In Jesus name I pray, amen.”
3. We are called to be a bridge builder of the gospel. If you have surrendered your life to Jesus, are you putting feet to your faith and building bridges to share the gospel with others? Do you bring peace where you go? Do you have peace with others? Jesus shed His blood to give us peace. We are equally valuable to God. Invest and invite people that aren’t followers of Jesus. Invite them to Easter services. Invite them to a dinner where you can share the gospel with them. Invest your time to help someone understand that Jesus dies for us all!
Reading Plan:
Monday: Acts 10:1-6
Tuesday: Acts 10:9-13
Wednesday: Acts 10:14-16, 19
Thursday: Acts 10:28-29
Friday: Acts 10:34-43, 47-48
Saturday: Acts 11:15-18, Romans 10:12-13