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The Bridge Church

Unfinished Series - Unfinished People

Unfinished Series - Unfinished People

March 16, 2025

Locations & Times

Bridge Church

2410 N River Rd, Venice, FL 34292, USA

Sunday 7:45 AM

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:30 AM

No one is ever beyond the reach of God's love and forgiveness.
God uses the obedience of ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
A life touched by Jesus is never the same again.

I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.

I need to be baptized.

I need to attend Starting Point.

I need to join a serve team.

I need to join a small group.
Dig Deeper:
1. Describe transformation in your own words.
2. Why is it necessary for us to grow and change?
3. Jesus is in the people transformation business. What proof do you have of this from your own life?
4. What do you know about the apostle Paul?
5. Saul was a Pharisee. What is a Pharisee?
6. Read Acts 8:1-3. Describe the differences between the apostles and Saul. What descriptive words and actions are used by the apostles? How about Saul?
7. Read Acts 9:1-2. How far is Saul literally willing to go to find people who are following Jesus?
8. Why was Saul persecuting Christians? Why did he think this was the right path to take?
9. Read Acts 9:3-9. Where was Saul on his journey? What stands out to you in this passage?
10. How does Saul respond to the voice?
11. Describe why being a Christian is not a membership to a club for good people. Why are we never beyond God’s reach?
12. Have you ever compared yourself to someone else? Was it beneficial? Why is it important to remember that we are all sinners in need of a savior?
13. Read 1 Timothy 1:15-16. Who did Jesus come to save? Why does He save?
14. Read Acts 9:10-14. Who was Ananias? What does he know already about Saul? How might Ananias feel in this moment?
15. Do you think Ananias felt equipped to do what God was asking? Why?
16. Read Acts 9:15-17. Describe a time when you were obedient to God even though you were fearful. What was the outcome?
17. Read Acts 9:18-20. Describe the order of events. How quickly was Saul’s conversion after Ananias came?
18. Who changed because of these events? Who do you relate to in this story? Why?
19. How has your life been touched by Jesus? What is your response?

Live It Out:

This week, remember that:

1. No one is ever beyond the reach of God’s love and forgiveness. You are never too far gone. That includes you and everyone else. There is no one righteous, not one. Remember that your faith is about Jesus taking those who were dead in sin and bringing them back to life. What is your response to this truth today? How do you plan to live that out? Pray to God, thanking Him for his love and forgiveness.
2. God uses the obedience of ordinary people to do extraordinary things. God invites us to partner with Him in His work in the world. He changes people, and He lets us be a part of it. Radical obedience leads to radical outcomes. What is one thing you know God is calling you to do? What is holding you back from doing it? Pray to God, asking Him to provide you with radical obedience so that you can do extraordinary things in His name.
3. A life touched by Jesus is never the same. Saul was never the same after His life was touched by Jesus. Neither was Ananias or anyone else who witnessed this radical change occur. Has your life been touched by Jesus? If so, what is your response? If you have never surrendered your life to Jesus, you can do so in this moment right now. Pray to God and let Him know that you want Him to take over your life; to bring you back to life. Repent of your sin and believe that Jesus died for you.
Reading Plan:
Monday: Acts 8:1-3
Tuesday: Acts 9:1-2
Wednesday: Acts 9:3-9
Thursday: 1 Timothy 1:15-16, Acts 9:10-14
Friday: Acts 9:15-17
Saturday: Acts 9:18-20