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Community Church of Portage Lakes

The Pillar of Discipleship (John 1:35-42) Pillars of Community - Week 9

The Pillar of Discipleship (John 1:35-42) Pillars of Community - Week 9

Locations & Times

Community Church of Portage Lakes

3260 Cormany Road, Akron, OH 44319, USA

Sunday 9:15 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

I. What does it mean to be a __________________________________________________________
a. The Bible calls early Christ-followers _____________________________________________
b. Disciple is a _____________________________, not just a ___________________________
II. The _____________________________________________________________ of being a disciple
a. The difference between _______________________, ____________________, and disciples
b. Discipleship is an ______________________________________________________ identity.
III. The ________________________________________________________________ of discipleship
a. Jesus gives us a _____________________________________________________________
b. Jesus gives us a _____________________________________________________________
IV. The ________________________________________________________________ of discipleship
a. Discipleship is the result of _____________________________________________________
b. Mature disciples will __________________________________________________________
Closing Questions


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