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Corner Church • Sunday, March 9
Locations & Times
Corner Coffee in the North Loop
514 N 3rd St, Minneapolis, MN 55401, USA
Sunday 8:15 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Connection Card Focus: Please be praying for Zack, Michelle, and Rowan F. They are missionaries we support monthly who serve in a sensitive region in the Middle East. Please pray for provision for their budget to be raised as they are hoping to return to the field this summer.
Local: Pray for people in your world who are feeling isolated and alone. Pray for opportunity to connect with and encourage people.
Church: Pray for opportunity and provision is the Corner Church world.
Local: Pray for people in your world who are feeling isolated and alone. Pray for opportunity to connect with and encourage people.
Church: Pray for opportunity and provision is the Corner Church world.
Communal Prayer is Tuesday at 9am in the Corner Coffee North Loop mixed use basement space.
Spring Connection Groups. Go to to sign up to participate and/or indicate interest in any groups.
Partners: Each year we ask all of our Corner Church partners to re-sign the partnership covenant. If you haven’t done so yet, you can do so online or with a physical form. Thank you!
Next Sunday, March 16 is our Corner Church Community Advisory Team voting. Each community elects two Partners to be on our church Advisory Team. This quick process will take place after the 10am service at all Corner Church Communities. All partners will be asked to vote. Partners: would you pray about being involved? Please connect with your community pastor if you have interest in being on the Advisory team.
Are you new or newer to the Corner Church community? You are invited to a dinner at the Woller home (Corner Church North Loop Pastor) on Sunday, March 16 at 6pm. Hang with all the Corner Church pastors and connect with other newish people. 521 S 7th Street #112 MPLS. Please RSVP on the Corner Church calendar by March 14.
The Corner Church Annual Meeting is Sunday, March 23 at 6pm at Corner Coffee North Loop. This is an opportunity to connect deeply with what has happened and will be happening at Corner Church.
We do neighborhood Candy Grabs in Camden and in the North Loop in the spring. Mark your calendar: April 12 in Camden and April 19 in the North Loop. You can help, as each candy grab will have an egg stuffing party the week before and both events need donations of individually wrapped candies.
Our next UNITED service is Sunday, April 13. This is where we have one combined service bringing all of our communities together for ONE UNITED SERVICE. Let’s celebrate Palm Sunday TOGETHER!
Communal Prayer is Tuesday at 9am in the Corner Coffee North Loop mixed use basement space.
Spring Connection Groups. Go to to sign up to participate and/or indicate interest in any groups.
Partners: Each year we ask all of our Corner Church partners to re-sign the partnership covenant. If you haven’t done so yet, you can do so online or with a physical form. Thank you!
Next Sunday, March 16 is our Corner Church Community Advisory Team voting. Each community elects two Partners to be on our church Advisory Team. This quick process will take place after the 10am service at all Corner Church Communities. All partners will be asked to vote. Partners: would you pray about being involved? Please connect with your community pastor if you have interest in being on the Advisory team.
Are you new or newer to the Corner Church community? You are invited to a dinner at the Woller home (Corner Church North Loop Pastor) on Sunday, March 16 at 6pm. Hang with all the Corner Church pastors and connect with other newish people. 521 S 7th Street #112 MPLS. Please RSVP on the Corner Church calendar by March 14.
The Corner Church Annual Meeting is Sunday, March 23 at 6pm at Corner Coffee North Loop. This is an opportunity to connect deeply with what has happened and will be happening at Corner Church.
We do neighborhood Candy Grabs in Camden and in the North Loop in the spring. Mark your calendar: April 12 in Camden and April 19 in the North Loop. You can help, as each candy grab will have an egg stuffing party the week before and both events need donations of individually wrapped candies.
Our next UNITED service is Sunday, April 13. This is where we have one combined service bringing all of our communities together for ONE UNITED SERVICE. Let’s celebrate Palm Sunday TOGETHER!
Dialogue Question:
Who in your life has been supportive, helpful, loving, caring, generous?
How have the people on your list impacted your life?
How would your life be different without them?
Who in your life has been supportive, helpful, loving, caring, generous?
How have the people on your list impacted your life?
How would your life be different without them?
Dialogue Question:
How have the people on your list showed up when life was complicated?
How have the people on your list showed up when life was complicated?
Dialogue Question:
How has God helped / comforted you?
The comforter
The shepherd
The all-powerful
The giver of hope
How has God helped / comforted you?
The comforter
The shepherd
The all-powerful
The giver of hope
Dialogue Question:
What does it look like to walk out David’s words in your own life?
What does it look like to walk out David’s words in your own life?
Take It Deeper Questions
Read Isaiah 40.
When have you received exciting news? What did you feel? How did you respond?
What makes the closeness of a friend tangible? The closeness of God tangible?
What makes the strength of a leader tangible? The strength of God tangible?
What is the impact of hope? Of hope in God?
How does a person build, grow, and foster hope?
How are you challenged, focused, encouraged, and/or confused by this text?
Bible Reading Plan
Isaiah 40
Isaiah 41
Isaiah 42
Mark 4
John 10
Read Isaiah 40.
When have you received exciting news? What did you feel? How did you respond?
What makes the closeness of a friend tangible? The closeness of God tangible?
What makes the strength of a leader tangible? The strength of God tangible?
What is the impact of hope? Of hope in God?
How does a person build, grow, and foster hope?
How are you challenged, focused, encouraged, and/or confused by this text?
Bible Reading Plan
Isaiah 40
Isaiah 41
Isaiah 42
Mark 4
John 10