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Bethany Church

Living Stones

Living Stones

Locations & Times

Bethany Church

6601 Alderson St, Weston, WI 54476, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Believers are being built with purpose. There is an individual as well as a collective build, with Christ as the architect.
1. Foundation Fact #1: Believersarelivingstones (1 Peter 2:4-5)
a. Jesus is the original living stone
b. We are called to be like Him
c. We are priests
d. Offering a spiritual sacrifice

2. Foundation Fact #2: We are being built (1 Peter 2:5-7)
a. We are being built into his spiritual temple
b. We are to trust in Him: Those who trust are not put to shame
c. We are to offer spiritual sacrifices

3. Foundation Fact #3: This Stone is Everything! (1 Peter 2:6-12)
a. Rejecting the stone leads to stumbling
b. Choosing the stone brings life
c. Choosing this stone brings life to our world

Next Steps:
1. Believers are Living Stones
2. Living Stones become what God is calling us to be
3. Becoming a Living Stone brings life to the world


Verse of the Week: 1 Peter 2:5 you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.


WOMEN’S “SHAPE” STUDY: Tuesdays, 6PM, Join us in finding and fulfilling your unique purpose for life.
S-Spiritual Gifts, H-Heart, A-Abilities, P-Personality, E-Experiences. Author: Erik Rees, Contact: Sherry 715-803-9487

at Forest Springs-Saturday, March 29 This will be an opportunity to step away and dig deep into God's word. It will be a chance to unplug in the stillness and beauty of God's creation while enjoying great conversations, laughter, and encouragement. We can coordinate carpooling. The speaker is Elizabeth Murphy who "has a passion for speaking truth to women who are hungry for heart change."
Schedule: Day-only option registration - 8:00 a.m.
Breakfast, morning session, & workshops
Lunch, free time activities
Supper, evening session
The cost for the day is $73 for WNW, but you must contact Terri Elliott (715-544-8261 text or voicemail) for details to get that rate.


ANYONE who wants the winter Missionary Prayer Guide, please feel free to take a copy from the Missions bulletin board in the hallway.

Community Garden

Our Community Garden has spaces available for the season. Anyone who is interested in planting a 4’ x 8’ plot may want to attend the single meeting of the gardeners on March 13, at 6:30 in the lower level of our building. You may also bring a friend from the community for this free opportunity. Use the Connection card or contact the church office.

Meal Train for Phil Klein

Phil Klein had back surgery on 2/11/25 and will be in a totally immobilized brace.  He will have at least 2 months of recovery.   Please provide meals for 1 person starting on 3/3/25,  3 times per week for 3 weeks.   He does not eat pork.  He needs food that is easy to swallow.   Mild Spices are OK .  (If you can take a meal any day, that is fine.  It does not have to be Monday ,Wednesday or Friday, just let him know what day you can deliver).  
Please click on the link below to sign up to take them a meal.