Blue Ridge Community Church

Following Jesus: His Practices (Part 5)
Locations & Times
Blue Ridge Community Church - New London
2361 New London Rd, Forest, VA 24551, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
We were given 5 ways of interacting with Scripture last week:
1. Listen to it
2. Read it
3. Meditate on it
4. Study it
5. Memorize it
Which one(s) did you engage in last week and how did it go? If you weren’t here last week, then which one(s) do you find most effective in your own spiritual walk.
1. Listen to it
2. Read it
3. Meditate on it
4. Study it
5. Memorize it
Which one(s) did you engage in last week and how did it go? If you weren’t here last week, then which one(s) do you find most effective in your own spiritual walk.
What has been your experience, if any, with fasting up to this point in your life? What part has it played in your relationship with God?
What exactly is fasting in the bible?
When do you fast?
Why should you fast or NOT fast?
What should I do with the practice of fasting?
When do you fast?
Why should you fast or NOT fast?
What should I do with the practice of fasting?
What exactly is fasting in the bible?
Going without all food and/or water for a period of time
Going without all food and/or water for a period of time
When do you fast?
• Specific response
• Regular discipline
• Specific response
• Regular discipline
Why should you fast or NOT fast?
• In response to God
• Seeking Wisdom
• Humbling yourself
• Interceding for others
• As a way of bringing the body into submission
• NOT – to win praise from others or God
• NOT – when it’s isolated from the other parts of your life
• In response to God
• Seeking Wisdom
• Humbling yourself
• Interceding for others
• As a way of bringing the body into submission
• NOT – to win praise from others or God
• NOT – when it’s isolated from the other parts of your life
What next step God is inviting you into with this practice?
• Taste and see (1 meal)
• Give him a day
• Give him multiple days
• Make it a regular practice
What are your concerns about taking this next step?
• Taste and see (1 meal)
• Give him a day
• Give him multiple days
• Make it a regular practice
What are your concerns about taking this next step?
New Here?
Welcome! Thanks so much for being here with us today. We are excited you are here and would love to meet you. Please stop by the Info Center after the service to say hello. They can tell you a little bit about Blue Ridge and help get you connected.
Start Here
If you are checking out Blue Ridge, or just want to know more about who we are and how you can get plugged into community—check out Start Here. You will learn about our history, values, and ways to get connected; and we'll get to know you as well.
Time Change
Daylight Saving Time starts this Saturday night! Be sure to set your clocks forward one hour before bed so you can join us on time for worship next Sunday morning!
Father Daughter Dinner and Dance (FDDD)
Fathers and daughters, don’t miss this special evening on March 7! Enjoy a fun-filled night of connection with dinner, dessert, prizes, a photo booth, great music, and plenty of dancing. Tickets are on sale now and are going fast, so don’t wait! Tickets will not be sold at the door. For more details and to purchase your tickets visit the link below.
Family Dinner BD
Join us for a family-style gathering at our Bedford Campus to share a meal, enjoy fun activities, and connect as a community!
Campus Workday NL
Everyone is invited to come spruce up the New London campus in March to get our campus ready for our Easter guests! There are 2 opportunities to serve, March 15, 22 or both! When we’re done we’ll celebrate with some Easter goodies. This is one way to honor God by caring for the things He has given us & getting our campus ready for Easter.
Groups are intended to bring us together to experience authentic discipleship and life-giving community. Each group has its own focus, centered on biblically based content, working toward our greater mission of helping people follow Jesus. We have groups for couples, women, men, singles, seniors, moms & those still in college.
Care Ministries
If you're having a difficult time right now, we invite you to consider one of our Care Ministries. You can connect with a Lifeline caregiver or get plugged into a Care Group such as GriefShare, DivorceCare, MoneyWorks, Life's Healing Choices, or Proven Men. We would be honored for the opportunity to walk beside you.
Serving Opportunities
At Blue Ridge we believe that serving is not only an appropriate response to God, it is also an avenue to encounter Him in new ways and experience spiritual growth. When you are answering God's calling to serve, He equips and fills you. When you serve it's much more than pouring out what's been poured into you, it's a way to move closer to God.
For those of you who call Blue Ridge home, we invite you to participate in our giving opportunities, where you can actively engage in worship through your tithes and offerings. There are severals ways this can be done. (1) Use one of our giving boxes as you leave the auditorium. (2) Give online at (3) Text NL for New London, or BD for Bedford, and the monetary amount to (434) 290-4483 (For example NL100 or BD100). (4) Mail a check made out to Blue Ridge Community Church to 2361 New London Rd. Forest VA, 24551, noting your campus on the memo line. Let's join in worship through giving, recognizing the greatness of our God and the privilege we have to participate in His kingdom work. Ridge Community Church
"Helping people follow Jesus"
"Helping people follow Jesus"