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StonePoint Church

Genesis – In the Beginning p6 –Genesis 3 - “Did God really say?”

Genesis – In the Beginning p6 –Genesis 3 - “Did God really say?”

Locations & Times

StonePoint Church Cumming Georgia

3560 Browns Bridge Rd, Cumming, GA 30028, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

“Did God really say?” With those 4 words, he caused Eve and causes us to doubt God’s Word.
Most people don’t want to follow God because they want to be their own God.

“Temptation is Satan’s invitation to give in to his kind of life and give up on God’s kind of life.” Genesis 3 LASB notes
Where was Adam during this whole ordeal? Scripture says he was right there with her!

Ezer Kenegdo

When God made Eve from Adam, “The bone and flesh were not taken from Adam’s head, implying she was above him, and they were not taken from his foot, implying she was beneath him. God chose to take the bone from Adam’s side, signifying she was made to be beside him”. - Donna Taylor - from the book Dandelion

Eve was God’s solution to Adam’s aloneness and God’s first gift to Adam!

God gave them everything, but one tree and they ended up focusing on the one tree they couldn’t have!

We can get so focused on the things we don’t have that we forget everything that God has given us that is good.

God doesn’t just want to keep us from things, He wants to keep us from things that aren’t good and beneficial for us.

How could Eve have resisted and how can we resist temptation?

We can resist the temptation to sin by turning to God for strength and choosing to obey His Word. Temptation always presents us with a choice. Will we say yes or no? James 1 LASB notes

We have not sinned until we give in to the temptation.

to resist temptation, we must (1) pray for strength to resist, (2) run (sometimes literally), (3) say no when confronted with what we know is wrong, and (4) hold on firmly to God’s Word. Every time we resist temptation, we become more like Jesus.

They were already physically naked but now they were more than just physically naked, they and their sin were exposed.

Not only did their sin cause them to feel condemnation and shame, but it caused them to run from the only One Who can forgive and restore them.

“Condemnation causes us to conceal our sin. But conviction leads us to confess our sin. It leads to repentance.” Louie Giglio from the book Don’t Give The Enemy A Seat At Your Table

From the very first sin, God has always been the one to call out to us and look for us while we hide in our shame. Respond to God and return to Him so He can restore you.

It wasn’t that God didn’t know where they were. God wanted them to know where they were.

God knows we have sinned so why do we hide from Him? He already knows what we have done. He wants us to know what we have done.

The very first step to moving forward is to recognize your fault and admit you have a problem and need help.


“Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”

I truly believe this is why marriage is impossible without Jesus and biblical marriage is impossible without both man and woman submitted first to Christ and then to each other.

Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden because of their sin but because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection from the grave we are now invited back into God’s garden for eternity!

Have you accepted Jesus’ free gift of salvation and eternal life or are you still hiding from God in your sin?