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Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Locations & Times

Pennsville Baptist Church

3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA

Sunday 9:45 AM

Romans 6:15-23
“Whose Slave Are You”

1. Shall we sin (occasionally) since we aren’t under law (planned occasional sin)? God forbid!!
2. What if you are not willing to surrender absolutely to Jesus Christ?
3. Whose slave are you? Are you willing to surrender absolutely?
4. Romans 6:15-23 what if you are not willing to surrender absolutely to Jesus Christ?

Whose slave are you? Are you willing to surrender absolutely?
I. YOU WILL LOSE FREEDOM 6:16-18 The Principle of Slavery
Do you not know? All of us are slaves! Nearly 50% of the church in Rome were slaves.
They understood Paul’s analogy. Slave is a key word (16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22). A slave had
two characteristics: a. A Slave Has No Rights b. A Slave Lives To Please His Master. All
of us are slaves. We have no choice…we are either a slave to sin or a slave to God
(righteousness) Do you not know?
A.The Way to Slavery 16a
The one to whom you absolutely surrender yourselves slaves to obey…
1.Slaves and Obey
2.You will be a slave to that area of your life that you do not surrender to Jesus Christ.
B.The Way of Slavery 16b
whom ye obey…
1.It is the one you say, ‘Yes’ to. Sin is like an infection…it spreads!
2.You do what it wants! It will control you!
C. The Were of Slavery 17,18
1.You were slaves of sin…Before Jesus Christ you were bound by sin.
2.You have obeyed from the heart that teaching. The Gospel…born in sin…without hope…lost. Jesus Christ died to pay for your sin. You surrendered to Jesus as your Lord and now live for Him.
*Absolute Surrender…it is the teaching which changes a man. It was genuine. It was from the heart.
*Literally: You were delivered into that from of teaching. After salvation it is like being poured into a mold. Then we are molded day by day.
3. Having been made free from sin’s principle. I have a new Master! I am a ‘slave to
righteousness! Look At The Diagram: Who are you yielding (surrendering) to? You
will become its slave. Addicted…Controlled. You won’t control it. It will control
you. Christ is in the Spirit side. SELF…is one living for himself, his or her
satisfaction or pleasure…following one’s lust or desires. Note the results as you look
at the SOUL.

Whose slave are you? Are you willing to surrender absolutely?
II. YOU WILL LOSE FRUIT 6:19-21 The Principle of Surrender
Fruit comes forth whether I am a slave to sin or a slave to God.
A.Unwanted Fruit 19
Why live like you use to when you don’t have to? I speak in a way you will understand.
2.To iniquity (sin)
3.Free from doing what’s right…v. 20 Slave to Sinful behavior…
4.Shamed What fruit you had then you look at it in shame
B.Unrelenting Fruit 20-21
As you have yielded (in the past) …even so now yield…to God
1.As you have yielded (int the past) When people serve sin they give everything they have. They are Absolutely Surrendered: Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, Greed, Fame, Popularity, Making a name for themselves. Time (24 hours a day) Intensity, Energy, Effort…it controls them!
2.Even so now…Yield your members as slaves to God…resulting in sanctification. Sanctification is being set apart to God. Absolute Surrender we have no rights but to please Him. A Slave Obeys His Master Continually…Absolutely
3.Verse 20…Free in regard to righteousness. Live for God with the same intensity. Never be satisfied until God has you! WE AREN’T FREE UNTIL WE DO!
Illustration of a Scottish border collie…THIS SLAVERY BRINGS FREEDOM! I saw two creatures ‘in their glory’. A man who had given his life to his sheep, who loved them and loved his dog and a dog whose trust in his master was absolute, whose obedience was unconditional and instant whose total desire was to do the will of his master. The dog’s glory was the approval of his master. Absolute Surrender to the will of Another is the only way to accomplish that for which you were designed!

Whose slave are you? Are you willing to surrender absolutely?
III. YOU WILL LOSE FULFILLMENT 6:22-23 The Principle of Sacrifice
“But now…” you are free from sin!
Why pursue that which only brings heart ache and misery? Slave to God:
A.Sufficiency 22
Fruit unto sanctification…
B.Satisfaction 23
1.Everlasting, eternal life is more than living forever. It has to do with knowing God. It begins NOW. It is a life that brings honor and glory to Him.
2.Romans 6:23
*The wages of sin Sexual Sin: destroys one’s personality, weakens loyalty, destroys integrity, undermines trust. Anger: destroys others…Envy, Greed, Averice destroys contentment. All sins are Destructive! It is death now and in the life to come.
*The gift of God is eternal life through His Son…It is a Gift…it cannot be earned or bought. Not everyone will receive it. Not everyone will give up their rights. A gift must be taken before one can possess it! Through Jesus Christ…As many as receive Him to them He gives the ability to become children of God even those who rest their full weight (absolute surrender) on Him. (John 1:12)

Whose slave are you?
Unless you have at some time surrendered to Him you are lost!

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