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Northland Christian Church

STREET SMARTS: The Books of Wisdom (Ecclesiastes)

STREET SMARTS: The Books of Wisdom (Ecclesiastes)

Locations & Times

Northland Christian Church

3102 NW Topeka Blvd, Topeka, KS 66617, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM


Giving demonstrates our faith that the God who has provided for us in the past will provide for us in the future. When we give, we consciously decide to exchange our plans, agendas, and priorities for God’s.

Take Northland With You

Past sermons, event registrations, and more.
AWANA / WEDNESDAYS / 6:15PM / WORSHIP CENTER / Shekel Shack and Valentine's Day parties this week! Come ready for some fun!

AWANA provides Bible-based evangelism and discipleship for kids age 4 through 6th grade. Kids learn about Jesus through Scripture memorization, building relationships with friends & leaders, fun games and engaging messages. Register now at
Cost: 8.1.24 - 4.20.25 / $70/child / $210/Family
Cost includes shirt, book, bag and activities. Payment Plans are available if you are having difficulty paying the fees at the time of registration.
LITE BITE / WEDNESDAYS / 5:15-6:15PM / WEDNESDAYS / 5:15-6:15PM / $6.00 $6.00 LARGE; $3.00 SMALL; PB&J - $2.00 / LARGE; $3.00 SMALL; PB&J - $2.00 / Chili Dogs are on the menu this week.
MENS FIREPIT NIGHT / THURSDAY, 2.13.25 / 7:00PM /6140 NE SHAFFER RD / Bring a lawn chair, and your bible/journal. Contact Scott 785-969-9056 or Andy 785-250-1499 with any questions.
NSM SUNDAY NIGHTS / 6:00-8:00p / No NSM tonight!

Small Groups Launch

SMALL GROUPS LAUNCH / THIS WEDNESDAY, 2.12.25 / 6:30PM / Join us as we kick off Small Groups with an exciting new format! For the launch phase, groups will meet on Wednesdays, starting February 12th, as large groups/small groups. Afterward, we’ll transition into home groups for deeper connection and community. Sign up today at Don’t miss this chance to grow in your faith and build meaningful relationships!


BAPTISM CLASS / SUNDAY,  2.23.25 / EITHER 9:00 OR 10:45 AM / CONFERENCE ROOM / Join us to discover what baptism is all about and get any questions that you may have answered. RSVP today!
GIVING STATEMENTS / Year end giving statements have been emailed to you. If you require a printed copy, please email Jonathon at or stop by the Welcome Center.
THE SMART STEPFAMILY / MONDAYS / 2.17.25 - 4.14.25 / 6:00-7:30PM / Christ First Counseling Center is offering a class designed to offer support, ideas and strategies to strengthen stepfamilies and build success within your relationships. Cost: $50. Contact CFCC at 785-272-0778 for more information and to register.
STAYING MARRIED / FRIDAYS / 2.21.25 - 4.18.25 / 6:30-8:00PM / Christ First Counseling Center is offering a class for married couples that will provide resources for couples to repair, build on and improve relationships. Cost: $100 per couple. Contact CFCC at 785-272-0778 for more information and to register.

Missions Coordinator

OPEN STAFF POSITION / MISSIONS COORDINATOR (PART TIME) / We believe Northland is an incredible place to work and are excited to search for someone who will join our team to oversee our mission partnerships and outreach activities. Check out the position at
Do it right, don’t do it right—does it even matter?
“I think therefore I am.”

- René Descartes
What do you expect out of life?

Where did you get those expectations from?

What if your expectations are wrong?
What do you expect out of life?

Where did you get those expectations from?

What if your expectations are wrong?
Do you expect life to be about experiences?
Do you expect life to be about your career?
Do you expect life to go the way you planned it?
“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”

- Mother Teresa
What do you expect out of life?

Where did you get those expectations from?

What if your expectations are wrong?
True wisdom is living with eternity in view.
True wisdom is living with eternity in view.
Are you willing to live with eternity in view?
What are you pursuing right now that might be “meaningless,” and how can you refocus on what truly matters?