Rock Harbor Christian Fellowship
David’s Dark Days - 2 Samuel 15:13-37
Locations & Times
Rock Harbor Christian Fellowship
1475 Quintana Rd, Morro Bay, CA 93442, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Big Idea: Even in our darkest days, we can trust in the Lord and walk by faith because He is with us.
I. David’s Desperation (vv. 13-31)
A. Upon hearing of Absalom’s rebellion, David flees Jerusalem with his family and supporters and is on the run, yet again. Only this time, David is fleeing from his son. We see David entering his darkest days as both king and father. How he responds says much about his character and his faith in Almighty God.
B. We see in David’s desperation:
1. A concern for the welfare of Jerusalem (vv. 13-17)
2. A concern for God’s honor (vv. 24-29).
3. A broken heart (vv. 23, 30; cf. 2 Sam. 12:7-12)
4. A trust and hope in God’s sovereign presence (cf. Ps. 3).
C. David was clearly hurt by the betrayal of his son and those close to him, (v. 30) and he also recognized the danger of his situation. But rather than be paralyzed by this turn of events, David kept his focus on God and in His saving power (cf. Ps. 3:1-4).
II. David’s Dependence (vv. 24-37)
A. David is in a desperate situation, but he is not without recourse, as he has been in desperate situations before. We know that David is often at his best when situations are at their worst. Why? Because David’s dependence is on the Lord and His mighty power (cf. Ps. 18:1-3).
B. We see David’s dependence on the Lord in:
1. His trust in God’s power (cf. Ps. 63:1-4).
2. His trust in God’s goodness and love (cf. Ps. 25:1-7).
3. His trust in God’s sovereign will (vv. 24-26, 30).
C. Whenever you find yourself facing dark days (and we all face them at one time or another), don’t run from God, run to Him. Cast yourself upon His mercy and grace and trust in His love and saving power as revealed in Messiah Jesus (cf. Jn. 8:12; Rom. 8:31-39).
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