Community Church of Portage Lakes

Testimony in the Church (Psalms 40:1-10) Pillars of Community - Week 4
Locations & Times
Community Church of Portage Lakes
3260 Cormany Road, Akron, OH 44319, USA
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM

CCPL Mission Statement
To Know Christ, His life-changing power and to make him known.
Pillars of Community
We Worship
Love God: We put God in His rightful place as Lord of our lives by coming together to sing His praise, study His word, give tithes and offerings, and share communion.
Love People: By worshiping together, we put ourselves in our correct place, not above anyone else.
We Pray
Love God: We communicate to God our Father, not just requests, but also praise and thanks, and we listen to His Spirit, to have a relationship with Him.
Love People: We pray for the concerns and well-being of those around us, especially for the salvation of the lost, bringing the power of God into their lives.
We Fellowship
Love God: We enjoy the presence of God, through prioritizing time with Him, reading His word, and other spiritual disciplines.
Love People: We enjoy the presence of other followers of Jesus, by spending time together focused on our common union of faith in Jesus Christ.
We Testify
Love God: We give honor and glory to God by proclaiming His wondrous works in our lives.
Love People: We share the Gospel and how Jesus has changed our lives so others may see what is possible and may desire to have their lives changed as well.
We Disciple
Love God: We seek to become more like Jesus by studying and applying His life as revealed in scripture, and by learning from other Christ-followers.
Love People: We seek to exemplify Jesus to those around us, and work to encourage and equip them to the best of our ability, no matter our own qualifications.
We Forgive
Love God: We ask God for forgiveness, acknowledging His way is better than our own and accepting Jesus’ free gift of taking our penalty upon Himself.
Love People: We forgive everyone, just as God forgives us, giving grace to their faults, and striving for unity and reconciliation.
We Serve
Love God: We work for the benefit of God’s global kingdom and His Church using the talents and abilities He has given us.
Love People: We work to care for the physical, financial, and emotional needs of our fellow disciples, then also those of our local area, and guide them to the fulfillment of their deeper spiritual need.
To Know Christ, His life-changing power and to make him known.
Pillars of Community
We Worship
Love God: We put God in His rightful place as Lord of our lives by coming together to sing His praise, study His word, give tithes and offerings, and share communion.
Love People: By worshiping together, we put ourselves in our correct place, not above anyone else.
We Pray
Love God: We communicate to God our Father, not just requests, but also praise and thanks, and we listen to His Spirit, to have a relationship with Him.
Love People: We pray for the concerns and well-being of those around us, especially for the salvation of the lost, bringing the power of God into their lives.
We Fellowship
Love God: We enjoy the presence of God, through prioritizing time with Him, reading His word, and other spiritual disciplines.
Love People: We enjoy the presence of other followers of Jesus, by spending time together focused on our common union of faith in Jesus Christ.
We Testify
Love God: We give honor and glory to God by proclaiming His wondrous works in our lives.
Love People: We share the Gospel and how Jesus has changed our lives so others may see what is possible and may desire to have their lives changed as well.
We Disciple
Love God: We seek to become more like Jesus by studying and applying His life as revealed in scripture, and by learning from other Christ-followers.
Love People: We seek to exemplify Jesus to those around us, and work to encourage and equip them to the best of our ability, no matter our own qualifications.
We Forgive
Love God: We ask God for forgiveness, acknowledging His way is better than our own and accepting Jesus’ free gift of taking our penalty upon Himself.
Love People: We forgive everyone, just as God forgives us, giving grace to their faults, and striving for unity and reconciliation.
We Serve
Love God: We work for the benefit of God’s global kingdom and His Church using the talents and abilities He has given us.
Love People: We work to care for the physical, financial, and emotional needs of our fellow disciples, then also those of our local area, and guide them to the fulfillment of their deeper spiritual need.
Study Guide
Learn more about upcoming events and Community Groups, submit a prayer request, or give online.