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The Bridge Church

Welcome Home - Grand Opening

Welcome Home - Grand Opening

February 2, 2025

Locations & Times

Englewood SKY Academy

871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Our Mission: Helping people find and follow Jesus Christ, here and around the world.
The church (ekklesia) is the people of God on mission with God.
1. Jesus builds His church on a bold confession
2. Jesus builds His church on an unshakeable foundation
Jesus is the builder - we are stones (not bricks)
3. Jesus builds His church to be unstoppable
"The church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints"
- St Augustine
When Jesus builds His church, He does the building by using disciples just like you.

I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.

I need to be baptized.

I need to attend Starting Point.

I need to join a serve team.

I need to join a small group.
Dig Deeper:
1. We’re in our new church home! What has been the best experience for you so far in this next chapter for our church family? What are you grateful for today?
2. How long have you been a part of The Bridge Church? Share stories of your time so far being a part of our church.
3. What is our mission at The Bridge Church? Has it changed now that we’ve moved?
4. What do you think of when you think of the word “church”? Why?
5. Read Matthew 16:13. What happens before this passage? Why do you think Jesus is asking this question now?
6. Where was Caesarea Phillippi? Why does Jesus choose this setting to ask His question?
7. Read Matthew 16:14. If Jesus was present on earth now to ask the same question, what do you think people would say today? Would it be different or the same as the original response?
8. Read Matthew 16:15. Why does Jesus distinguish between others and His disciples. Why would their response be different?
9. Why is Matthew 16:15 an important question for everyone, both believers and non-believers alike? Have you ever had an opportunity to share your answer with someone else? What is your response?
10. Read Matthew 16:16-17. What do you know about Simon Peter, one of Jesus’s disciples? Look up or share some characteristics of him. Why do you think he is the one to answer Jesus?
11. Why does Jesus call him blessed? Like Peter, discuss why we are not saved by our works, intellect or rituals but through the grace of God that is revealed to us in Jesus Christ.
12. Read Colossians 1:18. As a church body, why must Jesus be first place in everything?
13. What is the most important aspect of building something? Why?
14. Read Matthew 16:18. What rock is Jesus referring to? Who is the builder? How do we play a part in God’s design for the church?
15. Read 1 Peter 2:5. How are we stones and not bricks?
16. Read Ephesians 2:19-22. How are we, as individuals, also being built up in addition to Him building His church? How do both work together?
17. Read Matthew 16:18. Who builds the church? What cannot overpower it? Why are these both important to remember when facing opposition?
18. Who is the church for? Specifically, who is The Bridge Church for?
19. Read Matthew 28:18-20. Why is Jesus’s last command the church’s first priority?
20. Read Acts 4:11-12. What is a cornerstone? Why is it important?
21. On this first day in our new church home, what is the most important aspect to focus on? Why? What are your plans to being an active part in the life of this church?

Live It Out:

How does Jesus build His church? He builds it:

1. With a bold confession. What is Jesus’s bold confession? How does it stand firm today? Have you ever asked someone who they say Jesus is? Or have you ever answered that for yourself? Whether you need to ask someone else, or answer the question for yourself, step out in bold faith and do so! Write out your response.
2. With an unshakeable foundation. Who is the founder and foundation of the church? Who are the stones, the materials, that are used to help build it? Recall examples of how you are being used by God to build His church. If you cannot come up with any, list out ways you want to be used by God to help build His church. Spend time with God in prayer.
3. To be unstoppable. What is the eternal promise that Jesus declares? Upon knowing this, list out the ways it affects you and your response to being a part in God’s plan to build His church. Take steps to live out your next step in being an active part in His church. That may be responding for the first time to the risen Jesus, signing up for baptism or Starting Point, becoming a member, or signing up for a Bridge Group or serve team. Whatever it is, take that next step in getting connected.
Reading Plan:
Monday: Matthew 6:13-15
Tuesday: Matthew 16:16-17
Wednesday: Colossians 1:18
Thursday: Matthew 16:18, 1 Corinthians 3:11, 1 Peter 2:5
Friday: Ephesians 2:19-22
Saturday: Matthew 28:18-20