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The Grove Church

Songs of the Soul (Obedience)

Songs of the Soul (Obedience)

Locations & Times

The Grove Church

120 Langston Rd, Perry, GA 31069, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Getting To Know The Grove

We would love to connect with you. If you are new to The Grove we would love to meet you and share our ministry vision with you. Every month we host a free lunch with the Pastor and Staff. Click below to find out when our next meeting will be

I Want To Serve

As a kingdom minded church, we believe that the ultimate fulfillment of our purpose is to be vessels of His grace; giving of ourselves just as He completely gave Himself up for us. The life of a Christ Follower is not about being a spectator for a couple of hours on Sunday. Rather, we open the flood gates of heaven when we sacrificially give of our talents and time.
Psalm 119 is the longest psalm and the longest chapter in the Bible. Psalm 119 has 22 carefully constructed sections, each corresponding to a different letter in the Hebrew alphabet and each verse beginning with the letter of its section.
I do things the way I wanna do them
Make my own rules and listen to 'em
Won't go and let anyone reign on my parade
(You rule!)

I think I wanna flame grilled classic
A Whopper sure does sound fantastic
I tell 'em what I wanna have and they say okay
(Your way)

You rule
You're seizing the day
At BK, have it your way
(You rule!)

If I wanna special or just plain
The choice I make is my domain
Every order I can reign in has it my way
(You rule!)

The BK menu makes sure my stomach prospers
Onion rings, chicken fries, and Whopper
Any food I think is proper
(Say what?)
I can have it my way
My heart and my conscience determine what is right and best for me, and what is wrong with that?
1. It blinds you that you are already bound.
2. We reject restraints for our life.
Obedience to Christ welcomes restraints and relishes in freedom.
3. You have a delusional view of love.
Law becomes Love
1. Acknowledge The Supremacy of the Bible.
Appalling vs Applauding
2. Acknowledge The Spotlight of Scripture.
When you read the Bible, the Bible reads you.

Calls, Convicts, Comforts, Challenges, and brings Confidence.
3. Acknowledge the Selah of Life.
The word selah is found in two books of the Bible, but is most prevalent in the Psalms, where it appears 71 times. It also appears three times in the third chapter of the minor prophet Habakkuk.
It is not me to decide where God will be, it is God who decides where I am at.
4. Acknowledge the Joy of Savior