The Avenue Church
Join the Mission - My Next Steps
Locations & Times
The Avenue Church
3030 Thatcher Ave, Pueblo, CO 81005, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
To join the Discipleship Pathway text the word “path” to 719-881-8831
The Avenue Church exists to meet people where they are and help them take their next step toward Jesus Christ.
Discipleship is a life-long journey of taking our "Next Steps" in following Jesus. We identify 4 key areas (the 4 D's of Discipleship):
Deepening relationship with Jesus
Developing relationships with others
Deploying our gifts of service
Discovering our calling
Deepening relationship with Jesus
Developing relationships with others
Deploying our gifts of service
Discovering our calling
1. Baptizing (identifying with the Father, Son & Spirit)
2. Teaching to Obey (Sanctification)
The Gospel isn't knowledge to be learned but transformation to be experienced.
3. Living in His Presence (Worship)
A life of Discipleship isn't primarily about "Doing" but rather "Being."
A life of Discipleship isn't primarily about "Doing" but rather "Being."
Memory verse for this series:
Ephesians 4:16
He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.
Ephesians 4:16
He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.
Discussion Questions - Re-read our main passage from this week (Matthew 28:18-20) and then with your Growth Group, family, friends, etc. thoughtfully answer the following:
1. What has been your experience being “discipled?”
2. Is discipleship more taught, or “caught?”
3. Who is one person that has been instrumental in your growth as a disciple?
4. Has there been a specific resource / study / program that has been instrumental in your growth as a disciple?
5. What’s a bigger problem, people not knowing what the Bible says, or people not doing what the Bible says?
6. What is one thing you know as a disciple, but have a very hard time obeying / living out?What’s your next step in response to this message?
1. What has been your experience being “discipled?”
2. Is discipleship more taught, or “caught?”
3. Who is one person that has been instrumental in your growth as a disciple?
4. Has there been a specific resource / study / program that has been instrumental in your growth as a disciple?
5. What’s a bigger problem, people not knowing what the Bible says, or people not doing what the Bible says?
6. What is one thing you know as a disciple, but have a very hard time obeying / living out?What’s your next step in response to this message?
New At The Avenue?
Please let us know who you are, and how we can connect with you digitally and help you grow in your faith. join our weekly text/email group and get 3 discussion texts and a "going deeper" email text "Journey" to 719-881-8831
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History of Baptism RESOURCES:
RightNow media username and password required. To setup your own FREE access code visit’S SO GREAT ABOUT THE GREAT COMMISSION? By David Platt
What does it mean to walk in obedience to the Great Commission? And what if your walk with Christ lacks a willingness to engage others with His gospel? David Platt sits down with Mark Mettinger to talk about the centrality of global missions in the Christian life and how all believers can participate today. Simple Method of Making Disciples by Neil Cole
Neil Cole is a church planter as well as the founder and executive director of Church Multiplication Associates & CMA Resources, which has helped start thousands of churches in all 50 states and at least 40 nations. In this session, Neil explains how to find and make disciples.