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Elements City Church

Why Church? week 4 - Discipleship: Walking with the Spirit

Why Church? week 4 - Discipleship: Walking with the Spirit

The great calling placed upon the Church is the one to make disciples. Few Christians would argue the importance of discipleship, yet so many struggle — not just to teach others what they have observed, but to observe ourselves what Jesus has commanded us. The Bible may not give us explicit instructions on how to do all that Jesus taught, but it does tell us how we can more successfully follow in the ways of Jesus: by keeping in step with the Holy Spirit.

Locations & Times

Elements City Church

1825 N Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85712, USA

Sunday 5:00 PM

Welcome to Elements City Church!

Whether you're on-site or online, we are praying that tonight will be an encouragement to you! If you're new and want to get connected, we'd love to hep you do so! Click the link below to fill out our Connection Card.

How can we pray for you this week?

If you have a prayer request you'd like our Elders and Prayer Team to pray for, click the link below to share it with us.
The aim behind this series is to drill down a bit on our mission as a slice of the Kingdom of God known as a church called Elements.

Mission statement:
Elements City Church is an inviting community of Jesus followers, commissioned by the gospel to make disciples by cultivating relationships that reflect the love of Christ.

We are one church within the global Church that Jesus established and launched that has a mission of making God known and brining His good into the world. The Church has 5 key pillars that flow from the Great Commandment and Great Commission given us by Jesus (see Matthew 22:34-40 and 28:18-20):
- Fellowship
- Worship
- Serving
- Discipleship
- Evangelsim
Discipleship must be a daily pursuit for us to truly become like Jesus.
A disciple is someone who knows and follows Jesus, is becoming like Jesus, and is committed to the mission of Jesus.

The essence of discipleship is to hear and obey God.
Modern Christianity has created the notion that following Jesus is something you do, when it’s really someone you are to be.
How do we get more of the Holy Spirit?

1) We ask for it.
2) We place ourselves in a posture to receive it.

Thank you for your partnership!

Thank you for giving your tithes and offerings. They enable us to be the church, and they help fuel the mission of Elements City Church. Our capacity to function as a church on a daily basis is directly impacted by your support, and we are so grateful for it! You can give online at the link below, or through the Elements City Church app.
Aren't you glad you came to church tonight?!

We love gathering together to lift up the name of Jesus over every other name, setting our eyes on what matters most before we step out into the busy week ahead.

Next Sunday we finish our series, Why Church?, looking at the five purposes of the Church and the responsibility that falls on every believer in helping the Church fulfill Her purposes. See you then!

Remember: We will not be meeting in person on Sunday, February 9th. Join us for an online service posted to our YouTube channel that day.

The Nerd Out is back!

New episodes are posted to our YouTube channel Monday afternoons going deeper into the messages from the weekend, giving you a tool for discipleship to help you on the go. Check it out!

Sign up for Serve Weekend!

It's that time of the year again: time for us to step out into our city in order to tangibly reflect the love of Christ through service.
Sign up for one, or several, of the four service opportunities available. Visit the Events tab in the Elements app or tap the link below to see what service projects are available.