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Rocky Mountain Family Church

Gifts of the Spirit

RMFC Sunday Service

Locations & Times


1700 Horseshoe Dr, Pueblo, CO 81001, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

1st Group.
3 that “Know or reveal something.” Revelation gifts.
A. Word of wisdom. A word for the future.
B. Word of knowledge. Present tense or past.
C. Discerning of spirits. When you sense angels or demons.

2nd Group.
3 power gifts—spiritual gifts that do something
A. The gift of faith
B. The working of miracles
C. The gifts of healings
Refers to supernatural healing without human aid.
Miracle is defined as a supernatural intervention of God in the ordinary course of nature.

1 Ki. 13 King Jeroboam was going to have arrested a prophet & he stretched out his arm to say, arrest him & his arm became paralyzed. Then the King asked the prophet to pray for him to be healed.

Jn. 9 Jesus healed a blind man by putting mud on his eyes. Gifts of Healings & working of miracles. Go & wash in the pool of Siloam.
This man didn’t approach Jesus & ask for healing.
But the man did have to use his faith by going to the pool & wash the mud off.

3rd Group
3 that speak. These build up.
A.Prophecy. Inspirational.
1 Cor. 14.3 NKJV
But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men.
B. Tongues.
C. Interpretation of tongues.
This verse makes it very clear that there is a difference between Word of Knowledge & the Gift of Prophecy.
The gift of prophecy is always edifying, exhorting, and comforting. Word of Knowledge – supernatural revelation by the Spirit of God concerning certain facts in the mind of God…. facts about people, places, or things in the past or present.
Gift of prophecy
a. Divinely inspired and anointed utterance.
b. Supernatural proclamation in a known language.
c. Manifestation of the Spirit of God—not of intellect.