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BeFree Church: Barrington

Weekly Worship: January 26, 2025

Weekly Worship: January 26, 2025

Locations & Times

BeFree Barrington

118 Church St, Barrington, NH 03825, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Welcome! (tap to expand)

Welcome! If you’re visiting in person, watching online, or are new to BeFree, we're glad you're here! Please visit to let us know you joined us.

Students ages 5 through 4th grade are excused during our greeting time to attend DIG on the lower level. If your student isn't registered for DIG, please fill out our online form:

For parents of kids ages birth through four, our childcare center is available to you. Our service streams live on the quiet room television for parents who need to be with their kids.

Communication E-Card (tap to expand)

Are you new to our in-person gatherings or livestream? Do you have a prayer request? Do you want to get connected with a small group? Fill out our electronic communication card at with as much or as little information as you'd like. The form is automatically delivered to our office inbox where someone will connect with you.

Find Us Online (tap to expand)

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Visit for sermon audio and video, news, resources, and more!

Giving (tap to expand)

We’ve established several ways you can give to BeFree wherever you are and whenever it works for you.

At the Church: If you're at our building and you came prepared to give, please use one of the wall-mounted offering boxes.

On your Phone or Tablet: Download the PushPay app from your device’s app store. Search for BeFree Community Church, and add it to your favorites list.

Online: Visit to be redirected to our online giving site.

• By Mail: Mail a check to PO Box 618, Barrington, NH 03825.
Building a Foundation: The Discipline of Fasting
Spiritual disciplines are a pursuit of the essential practices that grow us more into the image of our creator.
What is fasting?

Abstain from all or some kind of food or drink.

An emptying of oneself of distractions in order to be filled. In fasting we lean into the truth of the word: we are empty without God. Fasting focuses and forces us to see that only God satisfies.

Fasting exposes the self because we remove stuff (food, social media, phone, fun) from dulling our desires, numbing our feelings or using them to feel briefly satisfied.
Fasting Is

An Act of Worship! (we are called to.)
Process of Waiting! (we are to engage in.)
Longing of Hope! (we are to demonstrate.)
An Act of Worship
Fake posture of fasting God calls His people out on…

“I’m not impressed”/ “Your only pleasing yourselves”/ While you fast nothing has changed you still oppress, fight, quarrel”/ “Do you truly believe a false/fake humility will please the Lord.”

True Fasting alters our posture and Heart. When we fast as an act of worship we…

“Care for the oppressed and burdened”/ “remove chains that bind” “we call and he hears”/ “removes the yoke that world has placed upon us and our burden is no more” eliminates the darkness that surrounds us.
Fasting is a Process of Waiting we are to engage in.

Waiting = no instant gratification

Fasting: it is waiting, it is to lean into the suffering of the world itself and to long for God to redeem it
Fasting demonstrates the Hope We have
Tangible Steps - Common Rule by Justin Early

1. Pick Something to fast from (TV, Phone, Food)
2. Try a 24 hour period (Suggestion here is dinner to dinner)
3. If this is too much start simple, with one meal
4. Consider asking someone to do this with you (accountability)
5. Have Grace for yourself (Remember it isn’t the action itself it is the position and posture of the heart.)

Tap to expand each item below to learn more about what's happening at BeFree.

MomCo Needs KidsCo Volunteers!

BeFree MomCo needs childcare (KidsCo) volunteers. We are currently understaffed and we continue to have a waiting list of moms looking to be welcomed in. We need more women to join us in children’s ministry to keep the ministry going.

MomCo usually meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 9-11am at BeFree Barrington. Come be part of the team: email the KidsCo Coordinator at for more info!

Student Study: Sundays at 9am

Attention students in grades 5-12: join us on Sunday mornings at 9am at the church for a donut while we dig into Romans. Hope to see you there!