StonePoint Church

Genesis – In the Beginning p2 – 1:9-29
Locations & Times
StonePoint Church Cumming Georgia
3560 Browns Bridge Rd, Cumming, GA 30028, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Moses is the person that God inspired to write down the account of creation and the foundations of mankind in the book of Genesis.
Moses penned down the words around 1450-1410 BC, after the Exodus from Egypt.
God created everything in the beginning.
He created light on the first day and He created the sky on the second day.
We also established that God created the earth in a literal 6-day 24-hour period based on how Scripture itself defines a day.
we believe it is logical and scientific to believe in a Creator, we have been intelligently designed, the universe in fine-tuned, God is the first cause, and our own moral laws prove His existence.
Moses penned down the words around 1450-1410 BC, after the Exodus from Egypt.
God created everything in the beginning.
He created light on the first day and He created the sky on the second day.
We also established that God created the earth in a literal 6-day 24-hour period based on how Scripture itself defines a day.
we believe it is logical and scientific to believe in a Creator, we have been intelligently designed, the universe in fine-tuned, God is the first cause, and our own moral laws prove His existence.
Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness”.
What does this mean, “Let us make”?
Who was with God?
God is a Triune God. He is Three in One. We call Him the Trinity. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
What does this mean, “Let us make”?
Who was with God?
God is a Triune God. He is Three in One. We call Him the Trinity. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is the Word that became flesh. He was with God in the beginning and through Him all things were made. Jesus is the one and only Son, who came from the Father.
When Jesus was baptized, we see a beautiful picture of God the Son-Jesus, being obedient to God the Father. God the Holy Spirit descending and landing on God the Son while God the Father spoke from Heaven saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”
when we speak of God, we are speaking of a plural God that is 3-in-1.
What does it mean, “Let us make” in the section of Scripture that says, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness”?
Who was with God?
We are the “Imago Dei”. Made in the Image of God.
We have the Creator God’s image stamped on us!
Yes…in the beginning we were vegetarians but that didn’t last long.
You have been made in the Image of God and He wants a relationship with you!
If you don’t have a relationship with God the Father, through God the Son, and have God the Holy Spirit living in you, then today is the day of Salvation.
Today is the day to turn to Jesus and receive His freedom and eternal life. It’s time to die to your old way of life and be given a new life through Jesus.
What does it mean, “Let us make” in the section of Scripture that says, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness”?
Who was with God?
We are the “Imago Dei”. Made in the Image of God.
We have the Creator God’s image stamped on us!
Yes…in the beginning we were vegetarians but that didn’t last long.
You have been made in the Image of God and He wants a relationship with you!
If you don’t have a relationship with God the Father, through God the Son, and have God the Holy Spirit living in you, then today is the day of Salvation.
Today is the day to turn to Jesus and receive His freedom and eternal life. It’s time to die to your old way of life and be given a new life through Jesus.