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Chapel Hill Church of Christ

January 19 Evening Worship

January 19 Evening Worship

Locations & Times

Chapel Hill Church of Christ

1050 Chapel Hill Rd, White Bluff, TN 37187, USA

Sunday 5:00 PM

Charles Spurgeon
“Men like to have everything laid down according to the rules of mathematical precision, but God desires them to exercise faith; and, therefore, he has not acted according to their wishes.”
1. It takes faith to believe in what we cannot see
2. We need eyes to see and ears to hear
3. Two kinds of faith
4. We live by faith; not by sight
Ruth Morgan

“Sometimes I’m sad, I know not why, my heart is sore distressed;
it seems the burdens of this world have settled on my chest.
And yet I know...I know that God who does all things right;
will lead me thus to understand to walk by faith...not sight…

And though I may not see the way He’s planned for me to go;
the way seems dark to me but oh, I’m sure he knows.
Today he guides my feeble step tomorrow's in his right;
He has asked me to never fear but walk by faith...not sight…

Some day the mist will roll away the sun will shine again;
I'll see the beauty in the flowers I’ll hear the bird’s refrain.
And then I’ll know my Father’s hand has led the way to light;
because I placed my hand in his and walked by faith...not sight."