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Grace Community Church, Arlington, TX

1.19.25 – The Sanctity of Human Life

1.19.25 – The Sanctity of Human Life

Locations & Times

Grace Community Church, Arlington, TX

801 W Bardin Rd, Arlington, TX 76017, USA

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

As I start this morning, I want to say to those of you who have been party to an abortion, either because you had one, or because your activity or inactivity caused someone to have one; I want you to know that there is full forgiveness and healing in Jesus today.
No one needs to walk in the shame and guilt of their past sins, no matter what those sins were.
Why does it matter what the Bible says? Because Jesus Christ, the only one to ever rise from the dead (with hundreds of witnesses), proving that He is who He says He is, God come in the flesh, says that the Bible is the Word of God. He says of the OT that it is the Word of God, and He promised the writing of the NT under the power of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles would be the Word of God.

So, Jesus says that the Bible is the Word of God. That means that it must be true in all that it says. So, it matters greatly what it says.
Before we delve into the issue further, let me say that almost every reason that a person would give for ending a pregnancy could be also applied to a toddler, a two-year old. But no one here would argue that it is okay to end the toddler’s life because he or she is causing so much distress. No one would defend a mother’s right to kill her children just because the children were in the way somehow. But what about 1 second before they were born? What about killing children during delivery. Also known as partial birth abortion. Would that be okay?
When would it be okay for a mother to kill her child? Up to 15 weeks in the womb? Up to 6 weeks in the womb? When is it that society should no longer be outraged by a mother killing her baby?
Now, as Bible believing Christians, we know that human life is sacred. All of human life. No matter how old, no matter what race, no matter how unhealthy or un-whole; all of human life is sacred. What makes human life so valuable?
What distinguishes people from animals and makes them uniquely valuable is that they are created in the image of God. This means that God created people to be like Him as far as being-
Spiritual, Moral, and Rational.
(Now, we will see from some other passages in just a moment that all men and women possess the image of God, not just Adam and Eve. But notice Gen 2:2)
We see that God ceased from all His creative work. So how do humans that come along later get the image of God?
Seth is born and he is said to be in the likeness and image of his father, Adam. Adam is in the image of God. So, it follows that Seth got the image of God passed down from his father.
(But, when did Seth get the image of God?)
It follows that since God ceased from His creative work that the image of God is passed on Seminally, through the parents.
That means that at the moment of conception, that child (though not fully developed) possesses
the image of God and is therefore at that moment valuable and sacred. The image of God gives special value to humans. Value that no one is allowed to touch but God
No one is to shed the blood of another because they are in the image of God. An unborn child is in the image of God. Therefore, it is a direct violation of the commandment of God, “Thou shall not kill,” every time an abortion is performed.
But there is no national outrage. The reason more people aren’t outraged about abortion is because they don’t know the truth about abortion. They have been duped by a conspiracy of silence and misinformation.
There are four lies about abortion that the majority of Americans have been fooled by. I want to tell you what those four lies are and what the truth really is in each case.
Lie # 1: Abortion is not the killing of a personal human life because the unborn is not personal, human or alive.
But the Bible clearly points out that the unborn is quite personal, human, and alive.
The Bible is clear on this point. The unborn are living, personal, human beings. But what if you don’t believe the Bible? Does science also confirm that the un-born are living human beings?
Ill: At a U.S. congressional hearing in 1981, scientific experts around the World testified about the beginning of an individual life. Dr. Hymie Gordon testified: But now we can say, unequivocally, that the question of when life begins is no longer a question for theological or philosophical dispute. It is an established scientific fact. Theologians and philosophers may go on to debate the meaning of life or the purpose of life, but it is an established fact that all life, including human life, begins at the moment of conception.”
There is a video clip that you can access through YouTube called the Silent Scream. This video shows a sonogram of an actual abortion. It is horrifying. The unborn baby fights to avoid the abortionist’s instruments but can’t get away. Then the baby opens her mouth and screams in agony as her little body begins to be torn apart. Many Physicians who have seen this have walked out of the room to never do another abortion again the rest of their lives.
The more you know about the truth about the unborn and what actually happens in an abortion, the less likely anyone will make the choice to offer or have an abortion.
But there are those out there that continue this conspiracy of silence and misinformation. Planned Parenthood is the worse. And Abortion continues to be rampant in our country and world.
Lie #2: Even if abortion is immoral, you can’t legislate morality; therefore, there should be no laws against it.
But this position is really pretty thoughtless. Stealing and murder are clearly moral matters. To argue that the state shouldn’t legislate moral behavior is crazy. Perhaps what they mean is that government should not interfere in matters of private morality as distinguished from public morality. But what if that private behavior involves someone else? Then the matter is no longer private but, by definition, social. The question of abortion involves another human being, therefore it is a public matter.
(Let me back up and review what the Biblical role of government is.)
This verse comes after the biblical narrative that records the fall of man. After Adam and Eve were disobedient and ate the fruit from the forbidden tree, they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. A sentry was placed at the entrance to the garden to bar any further access to it. The sentry was an angel and his weapon was a flaming sword.
The sword is an instrument for enforcement, so here we see the origin of law enforcement. God issued a command, and He established a guard with the power to ensure that the law was not violated. The angel represented the government, an institution that was established to enforce the law.
The government “does not bear the sword for nothing.” As in the case of Gen 3, We see that part of the role of government is to enforce the law.
But, what laws should the government enforce? Thomas Jefferson stated, “The chief purpose of government is to protect life. Abandon that and you have abandoned all.”
So, our founders agree with the Bible as to what the role of government is-to protect life. Protect life and enforce laws that would protect life.
Lie #3: Laws against abortion would be a violation of a woman’s right to privacy.
Do I have the right to commit a crime, such as murder, as long as I do it privately?

Of course not! There are moral limitations to the right to privacy.
Surely, the right to privacy is not a higher or greater right than the right to life. If it were, I would have the moral right to take your life if you invaded my privacy. But that is not the case, neither should it be.
Lie #4: Laws against abortion would violate a woman’s rights to her own body.
Does a woman have the right to use her body as a battering ram to injure others?

Of course not! And it is important to note that an unborn baby is contained within a woman’s body and connected to it, but it is not a part of the mother’s body.
But what about if the mother’s life is in danger?

C. Everett Koop, one time surgeon general of the US...
“In all my 30-plus years of medical practice, I myself, nor any of my colleagues I have ever associated with, have ever had an instance where we had to choose between the life of the mother and the child.”
But what about rape and incest?

These are horrible tragedies, no doubt, but to punish a human being who is not yet born, for the sin of another is not right. The rapist should be punished, not the baby. The baby didn’t do
anything wrong.

And of all the rapes in the U.S., less than 6/10ths of l % have ever resulted in pregnancy.
That is the truth about abortion.
In light of the truth about abortion, what should you do?
1. Find Forgiveness

2. Take Responsibility

-Be supportive of pro-life leadership in our country.
-Do your part to tell the truth.
-Serve in the Metroplex Women’s Clinic, or The Arlington Resale store
-Serve in Embrace Grace
-Foster and Adopt
3. Always Act in Love

We live in a dark world, but we can’t give up fighting the darkness. We are the hope of the world, because we have the only thing that can shatter the darkness, and that is the light of Christ and His love. Let your light shine!
Ministry Time: A time to receive forgiveness. A time to begin to receive healing. And a time to resolve to stand against abortion.