Symbols of Unity: Chi-Rho
Today, Lead Pastor, Casey Scott, continues our series entitled, "Symbols of Unity." Today, Casey will speak about the symbol Chi-Rho.
Locations & Times
Chapel Rock Christian Church
2020 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46214, USA
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Welcome to Chapel Rock!
Our vision is to see "the whole community, whole in Christ!" To that end, if you would like more information about our ministries or want to sign-up for an activity you’ve seen in the bulletin, please stop by the Information Center in the Foyer or add a note to your Connection Card. You can also find additional information on our website.
http://www.chapelrock.orgDigital Bulletin
Chapel Rock Prayer Initiative
Join the 200+ who have committed to pray daily for staff, elders, mission partners, and our church. Pick up the first quarter prayer booklet at the kiosk in the Foyer. We want to be faithful in prayer to see how God will answer “immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine”! (Ephesians 3:20-21)
Child Dedication
Each year, Chapel Rock sets aside time for families who want to publicly declare their intent to raise their child to know Christ. This year’s date is Sunday, February 9. If you would like to be part of the ceremony, please contact Sherry Schwab at
Thinking About Becoming a Chapel Rock Member?
Wired is a four-week course designed to help you find your place at Chapel Rock. Upon completing this class, you can decide if you want to become a member of Chapel Rock. We ask that you attend a minimum three of the four weeks to be considered complete. Join us Sundays, February 2, 9, 16, and 23, at 11 a.m. in FH 14/16. Register online at
News From the Church Office
2024 Giving Statements are available for pick-up in the Foyer. Statements not picked up by January 26, will be mailed. The Church Office will be closed tomorrow, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Our Sympathy to:
Wanda and Rick Lewis, on the passing of Richard (Dick) Lewis, Wanda’s husband and Rick’s father. Visitation will be this Thursday, January 23, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Chapel. The service will follow at 1 p.m.
Versiti Blood Drive
Chapel Rock will host a blood drive on Sunday, February 9, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Use the QR code to schedule your appointment to make a life-saving donation, either before or after you attend service. Walk-ins are also welcome.
Women’s Ministry Movie Night
Brave the cold for the Women’s Ministry showing of Jesus Revolution on Friday, February 7, from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Family Room. There will be lots of fellowship, snacks, hot chocolate, and of course popcorn. Register at the kiosk in the Foyer. Please bring a snack to share.
GriefShare: Loss of a Spouse
At this two-hour Loss of a Spouse seminar, you’ll discover that other people understand and have found ways to make it through and receive practical tips for coping with the death of a spouse. Chapel Rock will offer two identical seminars Monday, February 3, at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. in WC100. Feel free to bring a friend or family member to help you through this grief journey. Register at or call Jane Rogers at 317-989-8547.
Homeless Ministry Needs
The Homeless Ministry is in need of items for the winter season. Items can be placed in the DropZone bin in the Foyer. Needed items are: baby wipes, blankets, heavy coats, socks, hats, gloves, and sweatshirts.
Food Pantry Requests
Chapel Rock’s Food Pantry operates on the first and third Thursdays, from 2 to 6 p.m. each month. Items needed are peanut butter, jelly, macaroni and cheese, canned foods, cereal, pasta and spaghetti sauce. Please place your donations in the DropZone bin in the Foyer.
Hearing Assist Available
If you wear hearing aids, have a smart phone, and need hearing assistance, please see an usher for an instruction card showing you how to use an app on your phone that will connect to your hearing aids. If you don’t have hearing aids or a smart phone, but need hearing assistance during worship, please visit the tech booth in the back of the Worship Center.
Congratulations to:
Rusty and Liseth McClain on the birth of their son, Benjamin. Big brother is Asher.
Joseph and Britiny Myshko on the birth of their son, Levi Joseph. Big brother is Andrew and proud grandparents are Rob and Candie Gibson.
Join the 200+ who have committed to pray daily for staff, elders, mission partners, and our church. Pick up the first quarter prayer booklet at the kiosk in the Foyer. We want to be faithful in prayer to see how God will answer “immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine”! (Ephesians 3:20-21)
Child Dedication
Each year, Chapel Rock sets aside time for families who want to publicly declare their intent to raise their child to know Christ. This year’s date is Sunday, February 9. If you would like to be part of the ceremony, please contact Sherry Schwab at
Thinking About Becoming a Chapel Rock Member?
Wired is a four-week course designed to help you find your place at Chapel Rock. Upon completing this class, you can decide if you want to become a member of Chapel Rock. We ask that you attend a minimum three of the four weeks to be considered complete. Join us Sundays, February 2, 9, 16, and 23, at 11 a.m. in FH 14/16. Register online at
News From the Church Office
2024 Giving Statements are available for pick-up in the Foyer. Statements not picked up by January 26, will be mailed. The Church Office will be closed tomorrow, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Our Sympathy to:
Wanda and Rick Lewis, on the passing of Richard (Dick) Lewis, Wanda’s husband and Rick’s father. Visitation will be this Thursday, January 23, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Chapel. The service will follow at 1 p.m.
Versiti Blood Drive
Chapel Rock will host a blood drive on Sunday, February 9, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Use the QR code to schedule your appointment to make a life-saving donation, either before or after you attend service. Walk-ins are also welcome.
Women’s Ministry Movie Night
Brave the cold for the Women’s Ministry showing of Jesus Revolution on Friday, February 7, from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Family Room. There will be lots of fellowship, snacks, hot chocolate, and of course popcorn. Register at the kiosk in the Foyer. Please bring a snack to share.
GriefShare: Loss of a Spouse
At this two-hour Loss of a Spouse seminar, you’ll discover that other people understand and have found ways to make it through and receive practical tips for coping with the death of a spouse. Chapel Rock will offer two identical seminars Monday, February 3, at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. in WC100. Feel free to bring a friend or family member to help you through this grief journey. Register at or call Jane Rogers at 317-989-8547.
Homeless Ministry Needs
The Homeless Ministry is in need of items for the winter season. Items can be placed in the DropZone bin in the Foyer. Needed items are: baby wipes, blankets, heavy coats, socks, hats, gloves, and sweatshirts.
Food Pantry Requests
Chapel Rock’s Food Pantry operates on the first and third Thursdays, from 2 to 6 p.m. each month. Items needed are peanut butter, jelly, macaroni and cheese, canned foods, cereal, pasta and spaghetti sauce. Please place your donations in the DropZone bin in the Foyer.
Hearing Assist Available
If you wear hearing aids, have a smart phone, and need hearing assistance, please see an usher for an instruction card showing you how to use an app on your phone that will connect to your hearing aids. If you don’t have hearing aids or a smart phone, but need hearing assistance during worship, please visit the tech booth in the back of the Worship Center.
Congratulations to:
Rusty and Liseth McClain on the birth of their son, Benjamin. Big brother is Asher.
Joseph and Britiny Myshko on the birth of their son, Levi Joseph. Big brother is Andrew and proud grandparents are Rob and Candie Gibson.
2 Corinthians 8:7 "But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you — see that you also excel in this grace of giving." Please use the link below to safely and conveniently give on-line. Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel.
Chapel Rock practices an 'open communion' meaning that if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you are welcome to participate in the communion service. The elder/staff member giving the devotion will provide instructions.
Chapel Rock practices an 'open communion' meaning that if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you are welcome to participate in the communion service. The elder/staff member giving the devotion will provide instructions.

The Chi-Rho symbol represents the unifying belief, which all Christians have, that Jesus is the Messiah.
The core of what unites us is our collective experience of Jesus Christ in His three-fold office.
The core of what unites us is our collective experience of Jesus Christ in His three-fold office.
The Chi Rho (also known as chrismon) is one of the earliest forms of the Christogram, formed by superimposing the first two (capital) letters—chi and rho (ΧΡ)—of the Greek ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ (Christos).
What is really amazing is that in the midst of all that expectation, the NT is unified in defining the Christ as a Savior, but who brings freedom and liberation from sin (not a foreign government) to all humanity (not just Jews). The Messiah is simultaneously, Prophet / Priest / King.
– Prophet = brings truth, points the way to God, spokesman for God
– Priest = he is the ultimate sacrifice for sin, mediates God’s grace and forgiveness
– King = rules over us as God’s representative (given that he himself is God in the flesh), but is also the one who brings the blessings of the Kingdom of God to us.
– Prophet = brings truth, points the way to God, spokesman for God
– Priest = he is the ultimate sacrifice for sin, mediates God’s grace and forgiveness
– King = rules over us as God’s representative (given that he himself is God in the flesh), but is also the one who brings the blessings of the Kingdom of God to us.
First, We Must Listen to His Authoritative Word.
Second, Our Hope Is In His Exclusive Salvation.
Third, We Are Subject to His Rightful Rule.
First, We Must Listen to His Authoritative Word.
Second, Our Hope Is In His Exclusive Salvation.
Third, We Are Subject to His Rightful Rule.
The core of what unites us is our collective experience of Jesus Christ in His three-fold office.
The core of what unites us is our collective experience of Jesus Christ in His three-fold office.
We BRING our brokenness to Jesus because a CHANGE to wholeness is the story we SHARE.
We BRING our brokenness to Jesus because a CHANGE to wholeness is the story we SHARE.