Community Church of Portage Lakes
The Dimensions of Forgiveness (Matthew 6:14-15) Pillars of Community - Week 2
Locations & Times
Community Church of Portage Lakes
3260 Cormany Road, Akron, OH 44319, USA
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
I. The two __________________________ or ____________________________ of forgiveness
a. At one level we are to forgive _____________ who has wronged us _________________
______________ forgiveness __________ the person from the ____________ incurred by their sin
______________ forgiveness __________ the person from the ____________ incurred by their sin
b. At another level we are to forgive _______________________________ our forgiveness
_______________________ forgiveness seeks to ____________________ that was broken by sin
_______________________ forgiveness seeks to ____________________ that was broken by sin
II. God’s call to _______________________________________________________ forgiveness
a. The ________________________________________________________ of forgiveness
b. The ________________________________________________________ of forgiveness
c. The ________________________________________________________of forgiveness
III. God's call to _______________________________________________________ forgiveness
a. The _______________________________________________ of conditional forgiveness
b. The _______________________________________________ of conditional forgiveness
c. The ___________________________________________________________ to forgive
d. The _______________________________________________ of conditional forgiveness
IV. The _______________________________________________________ about unforgiveness
V. God call to take ______________________________________________________________
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