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Grace Church

Walking with Jesus - #2 Jesus PREPARED for Ministry

Walking with Jesus - #2 Jesus PREPARED for Ministry

The focus of this series is to look at the life of Jesus as presented in the Gospels. We'll slowly and simply examine the life of the Lord, from His first movements to His last and it will be as though we were walking alongside Him.

Locations & Times

Grace Community Church

8950 M-79, Nashville, MI 49073, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Today marks the start of our new series, Walking with Jesus!
The focus of this series is to look at the life of Jesus as presented in the Gospels. We'll slowly and simply examine the life of the Lord, from His first movements to His last and it will be as though we were walking alongside Him.
Pastor Don introduced the series last week with Jesus' incarnation. He shared how and why Jesus chose to leave heaven, come to earth, and live life here as a human.
It's hard to understand how Jesus as a human was influenced and impacted by His surroundings as He grew from a baby to an adult. Today we are going to be talking about how Jesus prepared for His ministry.

Talk About: Think about your own life. Who influenced you? Who helped shaped you into who you are today?
The gospels tell us that Jesus was fully God and fully man. He chose not to use His God powers but to live fully as a human. As a human Jesus was born as a baby and had to learn just as we learn. He was not downloaded at birth with everything He needed to know...He grew and learned just like us except without sin.
We all learn differently. Some audibly, some visually, some by doing. Do you ever wonder how Jesus learned?

We all have opportunities every day to shape someone else's life with the knowledge and skills we have learned? Where would you be if someone didn't invest in you?
How can you help a child prepare for adulthood?
How can you help a friend prepare for marriage?
How can you help a stranger learn about Jesus?
Our text today is found in Luke 2:21-52. We'll only look at a few of these verses to see how Jesus prepared for ministry. Our text is the only place in the Bible that mentions Jesus' childhood, teen, and young adult years.
We'll look at a couple of actions taken by Jesus to prepare for His ministry.
First Action: HE OBEYED
The gospels tell us a number of times that Jesus obeyed.

Let's focus on how Jesus learned during His formative years. Here are four areas of influence that shaped Jesus' life...
Luke 2:39
Luke 2:41
Luke 2:49
Luke 2:51
Second Action: HE GREW
Luke 2:40, 52
Now we'll look at four areas of growth in Jesus' life...

d) He grew SOCIALLY
Luke 2 verses 40 and 52 sums up Jesus' life to about the age of 30.
How did Jesus prepare for His ministry? He obeyed and grew!
What should we be doing?
1. Learn to obey God in what He has told you already.
2. Begin to grow in a healthy manor.
This week:

1. Read and pray over Luke 2:21-52 until you can answer three questions:
a) What did God say? (The meaning of the passage in your own words)
b) What is God saying to you? (What is God telling you to do?)
c) What will you say about this passage to someone? (Think of one person)

2. What was something your parents or grandparents did that taught you obedience? What did you do, or will you do, with your own kids or grandkids to teach the importance of obedience?

3. Specifically, how do you plan to grow in your faith this year? Think about things such as Bible reading, Grace U classes, Mentoring, etc. What steps do you need to take to make this happen?

4. If time allows, browse other points and passages from the message and allow God’s Spirit to guide your continued discussion.

Grace Church Website

Breeze Church Management

At Grace we use a secure directory/giving service called Breeze Church Management.  Creating your personal account allows you to contact others in the church family, keep your contact information updated, and keep track of your giving if that is important to you, and/or create an online giving account. Use the link below to get started or to login if you already have an account.

CJ's Coffee Shop Pre-Order Link

Meet and Greet

Grace Church holds a Meet & Greet for those who are newer to Grace Church on the 4th Sunday of each month. Our next Meet & Greet will be held on January 26th following the service in CJ's coffee shop. It is a great opportunity to meet the staff and leadership of Grace Church and learn a little more about the church. It also gives us an opportunity to learn a little about you! Contact Leslie Booher if you have any questions (

H.O.M.E. Groups

H.O.M.E. Groups have started back up again after a holiday break. Now is a great time to jump in and be part of a group! Joining a group will help you grow in your walk with Jesus and give you a group of people that will walk alongside you through the journey.  You can learn more about groups, which ones are available, and/or sign-up for a group at the link below. Please contact the church office if you have any questions about what group would be a good fit for you. (

Read the Bible this year

Pastor Don is encouraging us to "THRIVE in 25." Part of Thriving in your faith in 2025 will include time spent in God's Word. We encourage you to read through the Bible this year by using the Bible Project plan "One Story that leads to Jesus" on the YouVersion Bible app. You can find this plan at the link below.  Contact Lisa Sterkenburg ( if you have questions.

Marriage Conference

Jeff and Mary Burpee would like to invite all couples of the church to prayerfully consider attending the Never Alone Marriage Conference on February 7th and 8th at Peace Church in Middleville, MI. This conference is designed to encourage and equip married couples in their journey with Christ. The keynote speakers are Jimmy and Kelly Needham. Registration is $99 per couple through January 26th. After that it is $125 per couple. To learn more and to register, visit the link below. If you'd like to talk with Jeff and Mary more about this, you can email them (

Wednesdays in the Winter

We invite you to Grace Church every Wednesday night for some mid-week fun and fellowship. CJ's coffee shop will be open and we'll have a featured game available from 6:00-7:30 pm each week. Bring a snack to share if you wish. This is a great opportunity to bring someone you want to spend time with, get to know better, or introduce to other Christians. Contact Lisa Sterkenburg if you have questions (

Here's the schedule for January:
January 8th: Euchre
January 15th: Dominos
January 22nd: Sequence
January 29th: Blank Slate

Time to Walk!

Are you trying to get more steps in but don't want to walk in the cold? Come on in where it's warm and walk inside the church! We'll make sure the building is open and ready for you...
Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 12:00-3:00 pm
Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 am-12:00 pm

Birthdays and Anniversaries We're Celebrating This Week!

Monday, January 13th - Charlie Mater
Wednesday, January 15th - Dylan & Leighanne Fisher