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Beyond The Walls Community Church

Sunday, January 5th, 2025 | The King Is Coming! | Revelation 19:1-21

Sunday, January 5th, 2025 | The King Is Coming! | Revelation 19:1-21

Our Mission: Leading People to follow Jesus Christ

Locations & Times

Beyond the Walls Church

42110 Remington Ave, Temecula, CA 92590, USA

Saturday 10:00 AM

Key Truth: The ________________ of Jesus’ return should cause _______________ praise and celebration in His disciples _________ and ___________________.

Why We Praise And Worship God:
1. Evil has been _______________ and the saints of God ___________________. Revelation 19:1-4
2. We have been united in a ________________ relationship with Jesus. Revelation 19:6-8
3. God _______________ deserves our praise for all he has done. Revelation 19:9-10

We Can Trust The Promises Of Jesus:
1. Jesus is the ______________ and ________ Savior. Revelation 19:11
2. Jesus has won the _________ over sin, Satan, and a godless society. Revelation 19:12-15
3. Jesus has ______________ over the kingdoms of the earth and spiritual ____________________. Revelation 19:16

What To Do While We Wait:
1. Remain _______________ to the Bridegroom. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
A. The wait is ______________ it, and Jesus is worthy of our _______________ in the meantime.
2. Be ____________ for the Bridegroom’s return. Matthew 25:1-13
3. _______________ others to the wedding feast. Matthew 22:1-14

Taking It Beyond The Walls: Thank Jesus for salvation and the grace He gives to remain faithful to Him. Live with a sense of urgency to convey the gospel to those who don’t know Jesus.


Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Food For Thought:
Up to this point in your life, what have you had to work the hardest at waiting for? (Think: engagement, degree, promotion, children, etc.)

How did you handle, or how are you handling, the waiting process?

What role does waiting play in your relationship with God? How do you handle the waiting process with God and His ultimate plans for the world?

Read Revelation 19:1-10: The great multitude stood before God’s throne after realizing that victory over sin and evil has already been won. What specific things do they praise God for?

What is the difference in ways we praise God when we are facing life’s challenges and how we will praise God when the challenges are no longer present?

What are some ways believers can make themselves ready for Christ’s victorious return even now?

Are you ready for His coming? If He came back now what sin would He find you holding onto? Would He find you faithfully proclaiming the gospel or would He find you silent? How is God speaking to you about how you need to prepare for Christ’s