Bouquet Canyon Church

Not by Might: A Holy Spirit-Built Life
Locations & Times
Bouquet Canyon Church
26900 Bouquet Canyon Rd, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Discussion Notes (for use in a small group or individual study)
Sermon: Not by Might - A Holy Spirit-Filled Life
1. What is your idea of the perfect dream house? What characteristics does it have and why?
2. How does it make you feel to know that God wants you to be His house?
3. The sermon, from Zechariah 2 and 3, focused on the building of God’s house. What do you remember about the message? What stood out to you or impacted you?
4. Read Revelation 3:14-22
a) How did Jesus describe the church in Laodicea?
b) What do you think a “lukewarm” Christian is like?
c) What do you think a “lukewarm” church is like?
d) What was Jesus’ heart in issuing this rebuke? (see v. 19)
e) What advice does Jesus give to this church? Some of it is metaphorical. What do you think it means?
f) Revelation 3:20 has often been used for evangelistic purposes. Interestingly, it was originally directed to a group of people who were already Christians. What was Jesus wanting?
g) How can our own church be a better house for the presence of Jesus?
5. In can be a challenge knowing how best to be a house of purity. In the early Christian church, some Christians felt that it was wrong to eat food that might have been sacrificed to idols. Others didn’t see it as a big deal. Read 1 Corinthians 10:23-33.
a) As Christians, we might have certain freedoms. But what do verses 23 and 24 say about the use of our freedoms?
b) According to this passage, when would it be okay to eat food that might have been sacrificed to idols?
c) When was it not okay? What is Paul’s reasoning for this?
d) Who should we be thinking about when we make certain lifestyle choices? (see vv. 31-33)
6. Read Acts 1:14, Acts 2:1-11, and Acts 2:38-41
a) What might it look like if the Holy Spirit were poured out powerfully today?
b) What were these believers doing when the Holy Spirit was poured out?
c) What was the result of the outpouring of the Spirit? What impact did this event have on people who didn’t yet know Christ?
d) To what degree does the Christian church today need to be full of the Holy Spirit?
e) Are you willing to start praying for more of the Holy Spirit’s fruit and power in our church and in your own life?
7. Take some time to pray for an infilling of the Holy Spirit that would impact the world around you. Pray that you would resemble God’s dream house where He is pleased to dwell. Also take prayer requests in your group and pray for any specific needs.
Sermon: Not by Might - A Holy Spirit-Filled Life
1. What is your idea of the perfect dream house? What characteristics does it have and why?
2. How does it make you feel to know that God wants you to be His house?
3. The sermon, from Zechariah 2 and 3, focused on the building of God’s house. What do you remember about the message? What stood out to you or impacted you?
4. Read Revelation 3:14-22
a) How did Jesus describe the church in Laodicea?
b) What do you think a “lukewarm” Christian is like?
c) What do you think a “lukewarm” church is like?
d) What was Jesus’ heart in issuing this rebuke? (see v. 19)
e) What advice does Jesus give to this church? Some of it is metaphorical. What do you think it means?
f) Revelation 3:20 has often been used for evangelistic purposes. Interestingly, it was originally directed to a group of people who were already Christians. What was Jesus wanting?
g) How can our own church be a better house for the presence of Jesus?
5. In can be a challenge knowing how best to be a house of purity. In the early Christian church, some Christians felt that it was wrong to eat food that might have been sacrificed to idols. Others didn’t see it as a big deal. Read 1 Corinthians 10:23-33.
a) As Christians, we might have certain freedoms. But what do verses 23 and 24 say about the use of our freedoms?
b) According to this passage, when would it be okay to eat food that might have been sacrificed to idols?
c) When was it not okay? What is Paul’s reasoning for this?
d) Who should we be thinking about when we make certain lifestyle choices? (see vv. 31-33)
6. Read Acts 1:14, Acts 2:1-11, and Acts 2:38-41
a) What might it look like if the Holy Spirit were poured out powerfully today?
b) What were these believers doing when the Holy Spirit was poured out?
c) What was the result of the outpouring of the Spirit? What impact did this event have on people who didn’t yet know Christ?
d) To what degree does the Christian church today need to be full of the Holy Spirit?
e) Are you willing to start praying for more of the Holy Spirit’s fruit and power in our church and in your own life?
7. Take some time to pray for an infilling of the Holy Spirit that would impact the world around you. Pray that you would resemble God’s dream house where He is pleased to dwell. Also take prayer requests in your group and pray for any specific needs.