Rock Harbor Christian Fellowship
A Life Without Lack - Psalm 23:1-6 (2)
This advent season we want to loudly proclaim and remember "Glory to God in the Highest!"
Locations & Times
Rock Harbor Christian Fellowship
1475 Quintana Rd, Morro Bay, CA 93442, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Big Idea: We can find complete satisfaction and joy in the provision and presence of Messiah Jesus
I. No Lack of God’s Provision (vv. 1-6)
A. When we hear the word provision, our mind often goes to material needs. But God’s provision goes well beyond our material concerns. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus meets our needs every day, whether they are physical, emotional, or spiritual (cf. Phil. 4:14-20).
B. In Psalm 23, we see that in God’s care, we do not lack…
1. Rest (v. 2).
2. Guidance (vv. 2-3)
3. Spiritual comfort (v. 4).
4. Physical provision (v. 5).
5. A future hope (v. 6)
C. The world tries very hard to convince us that what it has to offer is what we need. But the truth is that our needs are best met by God through Messiah Jesus. When we see that what we really need is Christ, then our wants are informed by God’s desire for us (cf. Matt. 6:25-33).
II. No Lack of God’s Presence (vv. 1-6)
A. One of the enduring images of this Psalm is the picture of God’s presence—His nearness in challenging and dark times. This image provides comfort to us because it reminds us that, as our King and Shepherd, Jesus will never leave us or forsake us (cf. Heb. 13:5-6).
B. We see God’s presence in that:
1. The Lord shows us the way (vv. 1-3)
2. The Lord comforts us along the way (v. 4).
3. The Lord blesses us along the way (v. 5).
4. The Lord is faithful to provide a way home (v. 6; cf. Jn. 10:7-11).
C. A life without lack is not a life free of trials, troubles, goals, or dreams. It is a life where all those things are surrendered unto God so that He may guide our steps and provide our needs as He reveals the path that will fulfill His purpose and call on our lives, to His glory.
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